- Status Quo: discussion on the current documents
- Next steps: ccNSO Council Meetings; ccNSO Roles and Responsibilities
- Tech Day – what to do?
1. Welcome and roll-call
2. Wiki-space
3. Status Quo: discussion on the aforementioned documents
4. Next steps: ccNSO Council Meetings; ccNSO Roles and Responsibilities, Tech Day - What to do?
5. Work team updates - including discussion open issues
6. AOB
7. Next Meeting (21 December ?)
Action items
1. Chair of GRC at time of submission of guideline on ccNSO Meetings:
Include in a note to Council at submission on need to review the guideline in light of changed meeting structure, Council to decide, observation by WG
2. ccNSO Statement Guideline
Open questions
Action previous Bart: To look at comments
3. Action Stephen: look at ccNSO Collaboration Groups Guidelines, simplify where possible
4. Action Margarita: look at Triage committee charter (Bart to ask her)
5. Action Team members Roles and responsibilities: look at identification and allocation of tasks
Welcome and Roll Call
No Apologies received
Wiki Space
Space for action items
Document by topic
Difficult to find reasonable structure:
- Administrative activities of ccNSO
- Meetings: include all aspects of meetings of ccNSO (not to be confused with meetings of GRC!)
- Members meeting
- Council meeting
- Program WG
- Tech Day
- Officers and Appointees
- Elections, Appointments
- Operational Activities
- Working groups
- Statement and positions
Discussion current documents /Guidelines
Guideline ccNSO Meetings: (latest version in wiki)
Lesley: Signal here potential change ICANN meeting might change.
Katrina: Either add to current guideline or ask Program WG to update when need is clear
Alternative: Include a note when review warranted.
Include in a note to Council at submission, Council to decide, observation by WG
Program/Programme WG
Katrina: David and group to look into language
Program WG <- > Programme WG
Maintain Programme (UK English, as preferred spelling)
ccNSO Statement Guideline
Open questions
Action previous Bart: To look at comments
All comments are taken into consideration:
'taking into consideration' does not mean incorporating the comments"
ccNSO Collaboration Groups
Feed-back from Group
Volunteers for closer look at document? Stephen Deerhake
Translate into English
Action Stephen: look at ccNSO Collaboration Groups Guidelines, simplify where possible
Charter Triage Committee
Action Margarita: look at Triage committee (Bart to ask her)
ccNSO Council meetings
Start work
ccNSO Roles and responsibilities
Pending for ccNSO Roles and Responsibilities
Comments on identifying and allocating tasks version 4
Open issue: how to cover people who are not performing (mechanism included in WG guideline)
Suggestion/for discussion: include text in this Guideline?
Currently Councilor’s behaviour is addressable through attendance.
Address it somewhere, ccNSO Members ACCOUNTABILITY
Need for separate, coherent Guideline on Accountability (members. WG members and
Councilors. Currently part WG members included in WG Guideline.
Tech Day
Suggestion to include and consult with Tech WG, before making any changes
Should there be a Guideline for Tech Day?
No comments
Next call:
21 December, noon UTC
Chat Transcript:
Alejandra Reynoso:Good morning