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Time | Session | Room & Zoom | Read more |
09:00-10:00 local 17:00-18:00 UTC | TBCPolicy Gap Analysis (PGA) Working Group | TBC |
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title | Background and agenda |
| TBCThe ccNSO Policy Gap Analysis Working Group (PGA WG) will hold an internal work session. The objective of the PGA WG is to identify, analyze, and advise Council if and how to address gaps in existing ccNSO policies policies, guidance or practices pertaining to the delegation, transfer, revocation and retirement of ccTLDs, and other related IANA Naming Functions for ccTLDs. |
| 10:30-12:00 local 18:30-20:00 UTC | TBCInternet Governance Liaison Committee (IGLC) | TBC |
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| TBCThe ccNSO Internet Governance Liaison Committee (IGLC) will hold an internal work session. IGLC has been established to coordinate, facilitate, and increase the participation of ccTLD managers in discussions and processes pertaining to Internet Governance. |
| 13:15-14:30 local 21:15-22:30 UTC | TBCDNS Abuse Standing Committee (DASC) | TBC |
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| TBCThe ccNSO DNS Abuse Standing Committee (DASC) will hold an internal work session. The DASC was created as a dedicated forum for ccTLD managers to discuss the important topic of DNS abuse and share information, insights, and practices. |
| 15:00-16:00 local 23:00-23:59 UTC | TBCUniversal Acceptance Standing Committee (UAC) | TBC |
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| TBCThe ccNSO Universal Acceptance Committee (UAC) will hold an internal work session. The purpose of the UAC is to provide the ccTLD community a platform to interact and share information at a global level and with other groups under the ICANN umbrella on topics related to UA and acceptance of IDNs. |
| 16:30-17:30 local 00:30-01:30 UTC | TBCGuidelines Review Committee (GRC) | TBC |
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| TBCThe ccNSO Guidelines Review Committee (GRC) will hold an internal work session. The purpose of the GRC is to review the current guidelines and to ascertain whether they reflect current practices and working methods, identify potential gaps, and based on this analysis propose changes to the current guidelines to the Council. |
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|   Note: Seattle changes to daylight saving time (Pacific Daylight Saving Time, PDT / UTC -7) on Sunday, March 9, 2025 at 2:00 am local time
Time | Session | Room & Zoom | Read more |
09:00-10:00 local 18:00-19:00 UTC | TBCccNSO Council Prep Meeting | TBC |
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| TBCThe ccNSO Council will meet in preparation of its 215th meeting at ICANN82. Furthermore, to ensure the future resilience and continuity of Council’s operations, the ccNSO Council conducts its annual review of the distribution of the relevant roles and responsibilities. |
| 10:30-12:00 local 19:30-21:00 UTC | TBCccNSO Council Workshop | TBC |
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| TBCThe ccNSO Council and leadership teams of the ccNSO Working Groups and Committees will hold a workshop on the topic of increasing ccNSO capacity, and the related roadmap. |
| 13:15-14:30 local 22:15-23:30 UTC | TBCFinance Working Group (FIN2 WG) | TBC |
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| TBCThe second ccNSO Finance Working Group (FIN2 WG) will hold an internal work session. The objective of the second Finance Working Group is to review, explore and propose financial contribution models that are fair and equitable, and encourage ccTLDs to contribute at a level deemed reasonable, while preserving the principle of voluntary contributions. |
| 15:00-16:00 local 00:01-01:00 UTC | TBCStrategic and Operational Planning Committee (SOPC) | TBC | TBC
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| 16:30-17:30 local 01:30-02:30 UTC | The ccNSO Strategic and Operational Planning Committee (SOPC) will hold an internal work session. The objective of the SOPC is to provide input on the strategic and operational planning processes and related budgetary processes of ICANN and Public Technical Identifiers (PTI) that are relevant from a ccTLD or ccNSO perspective. |
| 15:00-16:00 local 00:01-01:00 UTC | TLD-OPS Standing Committee | TBC | Time | Session | Room & Zoom | Read more |
09:00-10:00 local
TBC | TBC | Expand |
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| 10:30-12:00 local
TBC | TBC | Expand |
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| TBC | 13:15-14:30 local TBC
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| The ccNSO TLD-OPS Standing Committee will hold an internal work session. The TLD-OPS Standing Committee is the oversight body of the TLD-OPS mailing list. The purpose of the Standing Committee is to govern the daily operation of the TLD-OPS email list; and, when deemed necessary, to develop and implement progress plans for future improvements and developments of the TLD-OPS email list, including its ecosystem. |
| 16:30-17:30 local 01:30-02:30 UTC | Customer Standing Committee (CSC) | TBC | Expand |
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| 16:30
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| TBC |
15:00-16:00 local
| TBC | TBC | The Customer Standing Committee (CSC) will hold an internal work session. The CSC monitors the performance of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) naming function on behalf of the direct customers. |
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10:45-17:30 local
| TBCTech Day | TBC |
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| TBCTech Day are sessions open to all ICANN community members with an interest in technical, operational, and security topics and is organised by the ccNSO Technical Working Group. |
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| ccNSO Members Meeting • Day 1Time | Session | Room & Zoom | Read more |
09:00-10:00 local
| TBCWelcome Session | TBC |
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title | Background and agenda |
| TBCThe chairs of the ccNSO Council and MPC will welcome participants to the ccNSO Members Meeting and introduce the upcoming ccNSO sessions. In addition, the ccNSO representatives of the ICANN meeting strategy review will report progress to date and seek feedback from the ccTLD community. The ccNSO Members Meeting sessions are open to all with an interest in ccTLD related topics. |
| 10:30-12:00 local
| TBCccTLD News Session | TBC |
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| TBCccTLD News Sessions include a collection of case studies, statistics, new developments, trends, and more. The ccTLD News Sessions have been part of the ccNSO Members Meetings for several years. They have provided a global platform for both experienced and new people to meet, share experiences, and discuss ccTLD-related aspects. |
| 13:15-14:30 local
| TBCccNSO Working Group Updates and Community Insights | TBC |
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| TBCSeveral ccNSO working groups and committees will provide an update on their progress and seek input on the next steps of their projects. |
| 15:00-16:00 local
| TBCccTLD Financial Contributions Session | TBC |
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| TBCJoin the consultation session by the second ccNSO Finance Working Group (FIN2 WG) to help shape ccTLD financial contribution models. The group targets to deliver community-endorsed recommendations to the ccNSO Council by ICANN83 in Prague. |
| 16:30-17:30 local
| TBCPolicy Gap consultation | TBC |
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| TBCThe ccNSO Policy Gap Analysis (PGA) WG will present its analysis of whether any identified gaps in existing ccNSO policies, guidelines or practices regarding delegation, transfer, revocation and retirement of ccTLDs should be addressed and seek feedback from the community on the recommended way forward. |
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| ccNSO Members Meeting • Day 2Time | Session | Room & Zoom | Read more | 09:00-10:00 local
TBC | TBC | Expand |
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| TBC | 10:30-12:00 local
| TBCJoint session: ccNSO & GAC | TBC |
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| TBCThe ccNSO and Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) will meet to discuss topics of common interest. |
| 13:15-14:30 local
| TBCDNS Abuse: data accuracy and validation | TBC |
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| TBC The ccNSO DNS Abuse Standing Committee (DASC) intends to explore with the community present the topic of data accuracy and the various registrant validation models ccTLDs use to mitigate DNS Abuse. |
| 15:00-16:00 local
| TBCccNSO meets with ccNSO appointed ICANN Board members | TBC |
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| TBCThe ccNSO appointed ICANN Board members have been invited to share their experiences as ICANN Board members and discuss topics of interest to the ccTLD community. |
| 16:30-17:30 local
| TBCExploring blockers and drivers for UA readiness | TBC |
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| TBCThe ccNSO Universal Acceptance Committee (UAC) intends to explore with community present at the session blockers and drivers ccTLDs encounter with respect to UA readiness. |
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Time | Session | Room & Zoom | Read more | 09:00-10:00 local
TBC | TBC | Expand |
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| 10:30-12:00 local
TBC | TBC | Expand | title |
| Background and agenda | TBC | 13:15-14:30 local
ccNSO Council Meeting 214 | TBC | TBC | TBC |
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| TBC |
15:00-16:00 local
| TBC | TBC | Expand |
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| 16:30-17:30 local
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| TBC Topics for discussion include outcomes from the council workshop on resourcing, the ccNSO session on the policy gaps in the ccTLD post-delegation processes, the roles and responsibilities of the various members of the ccNSO Council, and the election of the ccNSO leadership team consisting of one chair and two vice chairs. Additional topics for the ccNSO Council meeting will be made available on its workspace. |