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label | Saturday, 9 November |
Time | Session | Room & Zoom | Read more |
09:00-10:00 local 07:00-08:00 UTC | ccNSO Universal Acceptance Committee (UAC): working session | |
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| The ccNSO Universal Acceptance Committee (UAC) will hold an internal work session, to discuss the next steps in its activity plan, leading up to ICANN82 (March 2025 | Seattle, USA).
ABOUT UAC | The purpose of the UAC is to provide the ccTLD community a platform to interact and share information at a global level and with other groups under the ICANN umbrella on topics related to UA and acceptance of IDNs.
| 10:30-12:00 local 07:30-09:00 UTC | ccNSO Policy Gap Analysis Working Group (PGA WG): working session | |
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| The ccNSO Policy Gap Analysis Working Group (PGA WG) will hold an internal work session. ABOUT PGA WG | The objective of the PGA WG is to identify, analyze, and advise Council if and how to address gaps in existing ccNSO policies policies, guidance or practices pertaining to the delegation, transfer, revocation and retirement of ccTLDs, and other related IANA Naming Functions for ccTLDs. |
| 13:15-14:30 local 10:15-11:30 UTC | ccNSO Strategic and Operational Planning Committee (SOPC): working session | |
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| The ccNSO Strategic and Operational Planning Committee (SOPC) will hold an internal work session. ABOUT SOPC | The objective of the SOPC is to provide input on the strategic and operational planning processes and related budgetary processes of ICANN and Public Technical Identifiers (PTI) that are relevant from a ccTLD or ccNSO perspective. |
| 15:00-16:00 local 12:00-13:00 UTC | ccNSO DNS Abuse Standing Committee (DASC): working session | |
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| The ccNSO DNS Abuse Standing Committee (DASC) will hold an internal work session. ABOUT DASC | The DASC was created as a dedicated forum for ccTLD managers to discuss the important topic of DNS abuse and share information, insights, and practices. |
| 16:30-17:30 local 13:30-14:30 UTC | ccNSO Internet Governance Liaison Committee (IGLC): working session | |
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| The ccNSO Internet Governance Liaison Committee (IGLC) will kick off the next edition of its heat map, to determine which are the hot internet governance topics for each of the ICANN regions, and see whether there are changes with respect to previous editions of the heat map. ABOUT IGLC | IGLC has been established to coordinate, facilitate, and increase the participation of ccTLD managers in discussions and processes pertaining to Internet Governance. IGLC HEAT MAP | ICANN has five geographical regions. The members of the ccNSO Internet Governance Liaison Committee (IGLC) regularly reflect on what the hot internet governance topics are for each of the five regions. Are there overlaps? Major differences? Which topics deserve particular attention, and how can IGLC provide value to ccTLDs globally? Consult previous IGLC heatmaps here. |
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Time | Session | Room & Zoom | Read more | 09:00-10:00 local 07:00-08:00 UTC
| ccNSO Guidelines Review Committee (GRC): working session | |
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| The ccNSO Guidelines Review Committee (GRC) will hold an internal work session. ABOUT GRC | The purpose of the GRC is to review the current guidelines and to ascertain whether they reflect current practices and working methods, identify potential gaps, and based on this analysis propose changes to the current guidelines to the Council. |
| 10:30-12:00 local 07:30-09:00 UTC | ccNSO Council Workshop (closed) | |
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| The ccNSO Council will hold a closed workshop, on the topic of resourcing, and in preparation of its 211th meeting at ICANN81 |
| 13:15-14:30 local 10:15-11:30 UTC | TLD-OPS Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Tabletop Exercise: Ransomware (TLD-OPS TTX) (closed) |
- no remote participation
- open to ccTLDs only
- pre-registration required
- maximum 60 participants
| PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED | Please register here: The deadline for pre-registering is 28 October 2024. A maximum of 60 participants can be accommodated.
WHO CAN JOIN? | ccTLDs only.This session is open to in-person ccTLD participants who will be at the ICANN81 meeting in Istanbul. The session is open to a cross section of participants from various professional backgrounds, including sales & marketing, legal, communications, technical, executives or general management. Expand |
| WHAT IS THIS ABOUT? | The TLD-OPS Standing Committee will host a Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Tabletop Exercise (BC/DR TTX) on ransomware. Building upon a similar exercise held at ICANN 66 in 2019, and the recent Joint Crisis Management Exercise held at the CENTR Jamboree in May 2024, the goal of the exercise at ICANN81 is to develop capacity in ccTLDs to effectively conduct TTXs and enhance their overall resilience. Join colleagues from other ccTLDs and with a mix of roles and responsibilities for an educational and fun experience, helping you to build your own Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plans. Participants will be assigned to groups and the TTX will be held in person only.
| 15:00-16:00 local 12:00-13:00 UTC | 16:30-17:30 local 13:30-14:30 UTC | Customer Standing Committee (CSC) and Public Technical Identifiers (PTI) Board | |
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| The Customer Standing Committee (CSC) and Public Technical Identifiers (PTI) as well as PTI Board will exchange views on topics of common interest regarding the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions. |
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Time | Tech Day | Room & Zoom | Read more | 10:30-12:00 local 07:30-09:00 UTC | Tech Day | |
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| Tech Day is a workshop open to all ICANN community members with an interest in technical, operational, and security topics |
| 13:15-14:30 local 10:15-11:30 UTC |
| 15:00-16:00 local 12:00-13:00 UTC |
| 16:30-17:30 local 13:30-14:30 UTC |
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label | Tuesday, 12 November |
Time | ccNSO Members Meeting | Day 1 | Room & Zoom | Read more | 09:00-10:00 local 07:00-08:00 UTC | Welcome Session | |
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| Join us for the opening session of the ccNSO Members Meeting. Over the next days, the Council and ccNSO Members will discuss several issues affecting a cross-section of the world’s country codes. The ccNSO Members Meeting sessions are open to all with an interest in ccTLD related topics. Agenda - Welcome by ccNSO Chair
- Welcome by Meetings Programme Committee Chair
- ICANN wiki: call to action for ccTLDs
- PTI Update
- Kick-off review ccTLD financial contributions
| 10:30-12:00 local 07:30-09:00 UTC | Engaging with the Global Digital Compact (GDC): key insights for ccTLDs in the WSIS+20 Process | |
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| The session, organised by the ccNSO IGLC, aims to review the community engagement with the Global Digital Compact (GDC) and identify takeaways for ccTLDs in the WSIS+20 process, thus empowering ccTLDs globally to navigate and influence the global digital governance landscape effectively. Session chair: Annaliese Williams (.au) Panellists: Manal Ismail (Egypt IDN), Jorge Cancio, Peter Koch (.de), Yuri Takamatsu (.jp) BACKGROUND | The IGLC prepared an FAQ prior to ICANN78, in preparation for its session on WSIS+20. The WSIS+20 FAQ for ccTLDs is a comprehensive guide to understanding the significance of the 2025 review of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS+20) for ccTLDs. Upon request of Council, IGLC further refined its messaging for ccTLDs and released a paper prior to ICANN80. |
| 13:15-14:30 local 10:15-11:30 UTC | ccNSO DNS Abuse session | |
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| The ccNSO DNS Abuse Standing Committee (DASC) will provide an update regarding the creation of its information repository and dedicated email list, and will present the results of the second ccTLD DNS Abuse survey. Conducted in 2024, this survey follows up on the initial survey from 2022. It aims to uncovering trends in DNS abuse mitigation practices across country code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs). ABOUT DASC | The ccNSO DNS Abuse Standing Committee (DASC) is intended to maintain a dedicated forum for ccTLD Managers to discuss the important topic of DNS Abuse. The overarching purpose is to raise understanding and awareness of the issues pertaining to DNS Abuse, promote open and constructive dialogue, and ultimately to assist ccTLD Managers in their efforts to mitigate the impact of DNS Abuse. DASC LIBRARY | The DASC has created a library to share DNS Abuse-relevant information. The DNS abuse library includes links to tools, articles, reports and more. You can do both searches and suggestions for content in the library. We invite you to have a look. DASC EMAIL LIST | Committee has launched a DNS abuse discussion email list, open to all persons associated with a ccTLD with an interest in DNS abuse. The list will be used to regularly inform you about new additions to the library, discussions, and relevant upcoming events for ccTLDs. DASC SURVEY | The DASC launched the first edition of the survey at the end of 2022, when ccTLDs from different regions, with different registration and governance models, responded to the survey. Respondents included both bigger and smaller organisations, both in terms of domain names under management and staff. It is worth noting that most respondents reported less than 0.1% of their names under management being affected by DNS Abuse. Finally, the survey results revealed that even ccTLDs with limited resources - including funding and staff – can effectively mitigate DNS abuse, with the help of DNS abuse policies and procedures and monitoring tools. The DASC survey provided rich results, and key findings were shared at ICANN76, ICANN77 and finally during a webinar in September 2023. DASC shared insights into what respondents consider to be actionable types of DNS Abuse, and which type of mitigation methods respondents use. Overall, the DASC survey provided valuable insights into the current state of DNS abuse mitigation among ccTLD registries, and identified several areas for improvement, including collaboration, effective use of DNS reporting tools, resource allocation, and education to effective DNS abuse mitigation. This also includes raising awareness among policymakers and the broader public. Read more here (scroll down to 2022 survey). Conducted in August - September 2024, the second edition of the DASC survey follows up on the initial survey from Q4 2022. It aims to uncover trends in DNS abuse mitigation practices across ccTLDs. |
| 15:00-16:00 local 12:00-13:00 UTC | ccNSO Policy Gap Analysis Working Group (PGA WG) | Updates | |
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| The ccNSO Policy Gap Analysis (PGA) Working Group began its work in August 2024. Its objective is to identify, analyze, and advise the Council after consulting the ccTLD community, whether and how to address gaps in existing ccNSO policies, guidance, or practices pertaining to the delegation, transfer, revocation, and retirement of ccTLDs, and other related IANA Naming Functions for ccTLDs. The PGA Working Group expects to present and discuss its initial findings during the ICANN81 ccNSO Members Meeting. Prior to that, the Group will meet on Saturday, 9 November and hold a working session. |
| 16:30-17:30 local 13:30-14:30 UTC | Joint session: ccNSO & ICANN Board | |
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| The ccNSO and the ICANN Board will hold a joint meeting to discuss issues of common interest. - ccNSO topics for discussion
- (Tentative) Knowing that Board members are active in various committees, working groups and caucuses, and knowing that Board members step down regularly (end-of term, for other reasons), is progress and continuity ensured of the (smaller) groups, specifically those groups that deal with community work (policy development, advisories, other work).
- What are the next steps regarding the requests for Bylaw amendments? Noting that no progress was noted since Hamburg on the suggested bylaw amendment to adjust the frequency of the CSC effectiveness reviews.
- Progress Board consideration ccPDP3 and ccPDP4
- Board topics for discussion
- Knowing that the ccNSO has a standing committee, the SOPC, that for many years has been doing good work on providing input on budget and related matters, what does the SOPC and the ccNSO in general think about what ICANN is doing and should be doing about its current financial stress? Any thoughts about the financial future of ICANN?
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label | Wednesday, 13 November |
Time | ccNSO Members Meeting | Day 2 | Room & Zoom | Read more | 09:00-10:00 local 07:00-08:00 UTC | Joint session: ccNSO & GAC | |
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| The ccNSO and the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) will hold a joint meeting to discuss issues of common interest, including the ccTLD DNS Abuse survey, work by the ccNSO Policy Gap Analysis Working Group, and ICANN and the Global Digital Compact (GDC) and WSIS+20, the 20-year review of the World Summit on the Information Society. |
| 10:30-12:00 local 07:30-09:00 UTC | CSC Table Top Exercise (closed) | | The Customer Standing Committee organizes a test run of the CSC-PTI Remedial Action Procedure in format of tabletop exercise. | 13:15-14:30 local 10:15-11:30 UTC | Question and Answer session with Council candidates | |
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| The 3-year term for five members of the ccNSO Council will end in March 2025: - Africa: Biyi Oladipo
- Asia Pacific: Jordan Carter
- Europe: Nick Wenban-Smith
- Latin America/Caribbean: Demi Getschko
- North America: Pablo Rodriguez
On Tuesday, 1 October 2024 (00:01 UTC), the ccNSO opened a call for nominations to fill those seats. Read more here. To prepare the ccNSO Membership for the upcoming elections for the ccNSO Council (if any), the ccNSO membership and others will be able to ask questions to all candidates during a Q&A session. |
| 15:00-16:00 local 12:00-13:00 UTC | ccTLD News Session (1/2) | | Expand |
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| The ccTLD News Sessions have been a part of the ccNSO Members Meetings for several years and have provided a global platform for both experienced and new people to meet, share experiences and discuss ccTLD-related aspects. Session chair: Yuri Takamatsu (.jp) - Transformations in the .tr Domain Name Landscape Within Two Years: The Impact of TRABİS | Erdem Bayrak (.tr)
- VN domain name: incentives to promote digitalization in Viet Nam | Huu Ly Thai (.vn)
- Taking Kenyan Schools Online: The Elimu TSO Program with KeNIC and Ajira Digital | Davis Waithaka (.ke)
- A Window to the Future: the .au Domain Administration's Future Scenarios Project 2024 | Sophie Mitchell (.au)
| 16:30-17:30 local 13:30-14:30 UTC | ccTLD News Session (2/2) | |
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| The ccTLD News Sessions have been a part of the ccNSO Members Meetings for several years and have provided a global platform for both experienced and new people to meet, share experiences and discuss ccTLD-related aspects. Session chair: Guðrun Poulsen (.fo) - Artificial Intelligence Policies and Readiness | Masa Drofenik (.si)
- .UZ Domain on the High-Speed Line | Askhat Gimranov (.uz)
- New Public tender and updated policies for the ccTLD .co | Thiago Dal-Toe (.co)
- .tw community engagement | Ian chang (.tw)
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label | Thursday, 14 November |
Time | Session | Room & Zoom | Read more | 13:15-14:30 local 10:15-11:30 UTC | ccNSO Council Meeting 211 | |
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| The ccNSO Council will have its 211th meeting at ICANN81. All Council meetings are open to observers. Topics for discussion will be made available on its workspace. |