Draft agenda:
1. Welcome and roll call
2. Administrative matters
a. Action items, document has been updated
b. De-selection subgroup has been established and will start 28 September
3. Section 2, item 4, 2nd reading item 4A
4. Section 2, item 8 and Section 5 second reading,
5. Section 2 item 6 second reading
6. Section 3, first reading
7. AOB
8. Next meeting
a. 5 October 2021 (14.00 UTC)
b. 19 October 2021 (22.00 UTC)
9. Adjourn
- Overview of IDNTLD Variant recommendations and SG findings version 11 - 20 September 2021.docx
- Overview of IDNTLD Variant recommendations and SG findings version 11 - 20 September 2021.pdf
Recording: Zoom Playback
Chat Transcript: