Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Sarmad Hussain, Kim Carlson,
Apologies: Alireza Saleh, Dennis Tan Tanaka, Peter Koch, Irina Danelia (tent)
Draft agenda:
1. Welcome, roll call and agenda bashing
2. Administrative matters
a. Deselection subgroup launch
b. Appointment Chair / Vice-Chair
c. Action Items (if any)
3. Subgroup update
a. Variant Management – Alireza or Dennis
4. IDN EPDP Update
5. Second reading section 9 D & E; first reading section 9 F & G
6. AOB
7. Format of next meetings
28 September | 13:00 UTC – final call of full group / first call of DES subgroup
8. Closure
Recording: Zoom Playback