Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Sarmad Hussain, Kim Carlson
Apologies: Jeff Bedser
Draft agenda:
ccPDP4 IDN Working Group Teleconference #18 | 06 July 13:00 UTC
1. Welcome, roll call and agenda bashing
2. Administrative matters
a. Action items, if any
b. ccNSO participation in GNSO IDN EPDP
3. Subgroup update
a. Variant Management – Alireza or Dennis
4. Review of Policy session at ICANN71 (recording, transcript and slides can be found here [nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com])
a. Feedback on session from working group
b. Review polling results
5. Section 5: second reading
6. Review sections 6, 7 and 8 (time permitting)
7. Progress to-date – check against planning
8. AOB
9. Next meeting
06 July | 13.00 UTC
20 July | 13:00 UTC
03 August | 13:00 UTC
10. Closure
Recording: Zoom Playback