ccPDP4 IDN Working Group Teleconference #14 | 20 April 13:00 UTC
1. Welcome, roll call and agenda bashing
2. Administrative matters
a. Action items, if any
b. Debrief webinar
3. Subgroup update
a. Variant Management – Alireza or Dennis
4. Second reading section 3.5-4.2.2
5. First reading 5.1, 6.1 and 6.2
6. AOB
7. Next meeting
a. 4 May | 13:00 UTC
b. 18 May | 13:00 UTC
c. 1 June | 13:00 UTC
8. Closure
Attachments view-
file name ccPDP4 WG - Criteria process and procedures v08 16 April 2021 Redline.pdf height 250
Recording: Zoom Playback
Transcript: EN
Chat Transcript: