Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Ariel Liang, Kimberly Carlson, joke Braeken
Apologies: Draft agenda:
ccPDP4 WG meeting #4
Draft agenda:
1. Welcome and roll call
2. Agenda bashing
3. Recap and next steps Chair and Vice-chair nomination (see separate email)
4. Overview of Topics and way forward
a. Overview of topics SECTION 2.1.1 AND 2.1.2 (See Overview section 2.1.1 and 2.1.2)
b. Proposed way to address topics detailed in issue report. (see Presentation)
5. Next meetings
17 November 2020
01 December
15 December 2020
12 January 2020
26 January 2020
6. AOB
7. Closure