Joint session: Board and ccNSO Questions to the ICANN Board:
Question 1 The ccNSO and GNSO Councils are working together to define a procedure for launching a Specific IANA Function Review (SIFR) after the Customer Standing Committee (CSC) has determined that a persistent and systemic PTI performance Issue exists and all three escalation steps - including the escalation to the ICANN Board - have failed to correct the issue (for more information see CSC Remedial Actions Procedures or RAP). When looking at the overall processes from RAP to SFIR to Separation process, the ccNSO Council notices that the timelines to deal with the unlikely - but highly impactful - situations are prohibitive and affecting the stability of the DNS negatively. What is the Board’s procedure to deal with issues raised by the CSC in a timely and efficient manner? All together we have created procedural monsters which, due to their timelines, unknown and/or non-transparent processes do not allow for quick resolution of serious and potentially damaging issues. An IANA Naming Function service performance issue as described above is a very good example. What activities does the Board plan to make its own processes more efficient? What would the Board suggest to the Community to make sure that we can resolve issues efficiently? Question 2 We have read with interest the recent blog post from ICANN CEO on the President & CEO’s FY20 priorities. Could the Board clarify how the priorities highlighted in the blog fit into the ICANN approved and published Strategic Plan? Question 3 What, in the Board's view, is ICANN’s role regarding DNS Abuse? How could the ccNSO support ICANN in the fight against DNS abuse given that ccTLDs’ policy development is outside ICANN’s remit?