Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Bernard Turcotte, Kim Carlson
Apologies: Peter Koch, Nigel Roberts
1. Welcome & Roll Call
2. Administrative Announcements
3. Action Items
• Action 01: Staff to update policy doc version 1.32.
• Action 02: Staff to re-circulate Google doc (and other formats) on decisions and oversight to the list.
• Action 03: All to complete the table in doc on decisions and oversight.
• Action 04: Staff to prepare process flow document, including the decision nodes.
4. Review of draft report – Bernard (report will be circulated on Tuesday)
5. Overview of decisions Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PufsgDnCMbQ9dP47t45aOa_T848dfW4PFNgLuMYGw0E/edit
6. Discussion / agenda meeting in Marrakech
• Oversight
• Exceptionally reserved
• Stress testing
7. AOB
8. Next Meetings
• 6 June 2019
• 24 June 2019, 900-12:00 Marrakech