Members: Stephen Deerhake, Eberhard Lisse, Sean Copeland, Danko Jevtovic, Mirjana Tasic, Svitlana Tkachenko, Allan MacGillivray, Allyssa Moore, Patricio Poblete, Nick Wenban-Smith, Barrack Otieno (audio only), Nigel Roberts, Brent Carey, Ann-Cathrin Marcussen,
Participants: Mikhaylov Vadim
Observers and experts: Jaap Akkerhuis, Kim Davis, Naela Sarras,
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Bernie Turcotte, Kim Carlson
Recordings: AC AC
Transcript: EN
Chat Transcript:
Kimberly Carlson:Hello, welcome to today's ccPDP on Retirement Working group call on 31 January at 17:00 UTC
Bernard Turcotte:hello all
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Hello all
Joke Braeken:hello everyone
Bernard Turcotte:so -27C here with howling wind driving snow into a blinding fog
Svitlana Tkachenko:Hello!
Joke Braeken:that is really cold! Here we just have a little bit of snow.
Allan MacGillivray:Hey!
Patricio Poblete:Hi everone!
Patricio Poblete:It is 33C here in Santiago
Bernard Turcotte:so just as bad
Bernard Turcotte:;-)
el:39 here during the day
Nigel Roberts:Greetings from England
Bernard Turcotte:@el - hope its a dry heat
Joke Braeken:I am taking notes Eberhard
Stephen Deerhake:Thnk you Joke!
Stephen Deerhake:Thank not Thnk!
Joke Braeken::) you're welcome
Nigel Roberts:I mention it not as a correction for the first page, but as a request for general style throughout .. hope that’s clear
Stephen Deerhake:It is, and noted. This is VERY preliminary and you'll see changes with respect to style going forward.
Nigel Roberts:In fact that;s exactly what you do on line 14
Patricio Poblete:I agree that we should spell out acronyms when they are first used, as in "FOI", except in cases like "Request for Comment", where I would not spell it out, because the acronym has evolved way past its literal meaning.
Nigel Roberts:+1 with Patricio
Patricio Poblete:Not *all* of them, Benie
Patricio Poblete:Bernie
Patricio Poblete:"The ccTLS is managed by a funcational Manager" --> "The ccTLD manager is unable to perform its duties"
Nigel Roberts:Patricio is going in the direction I had in mind. (Hadn’t got specific words myself)
Stephen Deerhake:Nice wording Patricio.
el:Kimm, please not that section 5 be 4.1
Nigel Roberts:I have a question. Does this need to be confirmed by the ICANN Board, in the same way as a new delegateion? This would serve as the public notice too, perhaps?
Kim Davies:I think IANA's process for being apprised of changes is probably highly specific for this document (+1 to what Eberhard says)
Danko Jevtović:
Nigel Roberts:is that all off??
Nigel Roberts:whew i am struggling with this adobe
Kimberly Carlson:@Nigel, I am happy to dial out to you
Nigel Roberts:Thanks Kim, but this time it’s no problems with the audio, just with the user interface on Adobe for iPad
Kimberly Carlson:Ah, ok.
Nigel Roberts:Agree with Peter
Stephen Deerhake:NIgel is bleeding edge to be using AC on an iPad... ;-)
Nigel Roberts:Hint: Zoom works extremely well on it
el:I will make the watermark much lighter in the next iteration
Danko Jevtović:Nigle lives dangerously!
Nigel Roberts:there’s another case on foot
Nigel Roberts:Swaziland
Danko Jevtović:Hopefully FYRM-Macedonian cc will not change (I am thinking for the benefit of users).
Danko Jevtović:But El has a point, we dont know
Nigel Roberts:If I were to guess, they would keep the existing two letter code.
Nigel Roberts:But I know SZ is actually looking to change the code
Nigel Roberts:Or at least may be thinking in that direction
Nigel Roberts:NOt necessarily
Nigel Roberts:LInk rot is also a big issue with internet resources
Nick Wenban-Smith:ok tx Bernard
brent:minimum can we also include handling disputes?
Kim Davies:Probably would be less specific, would want something more than just a singular date, perhaps "A communication plan, such as when and how all significantly interested parties are fully informed." (for line 74)
Stephen Deerhake:Nice way of putting it Kim.
Nigel Roberts:Agree with Kim
Svitlana Tkachenko:Agree with Kim, it's more clear
el:Kim please not the bullet indentation on line 90
Nigel Roberts:Nicely timed discussion
Allan MacGillivray:actual timing of next meeting?
Kimberly Carlson:Next call: 14 February at 23:00 UTC. Calendar invites to follow
Kimberly Carlson:letter has been published here:
Kimberly Carlson:Correct, yes
Nick Wenban-Smith:nothing says romance like an 11pm conf call on Valentines day!
Allan MacGillivray:Oh yeah, 4:00 AM is more romantic
Svitlana Tkachenko:Nick :)
Nick Wenban-Smith:thanks, good call
Bernard Turcotte:bye all
Nick Wenban-Smith:night all
Danko Jevtović:My apologies for 14.2, I will be traveling
Nigel Roberts:Congrats on the progress
Danko Jevtović:very good progress
Kimberly Carlson:Thank you everyone, bye
Kim Davies:Cheers
Danko Jevtović:thanks!
brent:thanks all
Bart Boswinkel:Bye all
Joke Braeken:thank you all. Goodbye!
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Bye all
Sean Copeland:bye all
jaap akkerhuis:Bye bye!
Mikhaylov Vadim:good bye
Patricio Poblete:bye everyone