Event Dates: 20-25 October 2018 Card |
label | Saturday, 20 October |
| Time in CEST (local) | Session title (linked to meeting page) | Room | Adobe Connect | 13:30-15:00 | Study Group on use of Emoji as Second Level Domain | 134129/130 |
| 15:15-18:30 | ccNSO: Retirement of ccTLDs PDP Working Group | 129/130 |
Card |
| Time in CEST (local) | Session title (linked to meeting page) | Room | Adobe Connect | 9:00-10:15 | Technical Working Group | 131/132 |
| 10:30-12:00 | TLD Ops Standing Committee | 131/132 |
| 10:30-12:00 | Guidelines Review Committee | 129/130 |
| 12:00-13:30 | ccNSO Council Preparatory Meeting | 129/130 |
| 12:00-13:30 | TLD Ops Lunch - Closed (open to TLD Ops Members ONLY) | Banquet Hall |
| 13:30-18:30 | TLD-OPS Disaster Recovery Workshop (Open to all ccTLDs but must RSVP ahead of time) | 114 (ccNSO) |
Card |
| Time in CEST (local) | Session title (linked to meeting page) | Room | Adobe Connect | 9:30-16:45 | Tech Day, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 | 114 (ccNSO) |
| 12:15-13:15 | Tech Day Lunch - closed, invitations to be distributed to Tech Day participants ONLY | VIP |
| 12:15-13:15 | Joint meeting: ccNSO & GNSO Councils | 115 (GNSO) |
| 17:00-18:30 | Joint meeting: ALAC & ccNSO | 116 (ALAC) |
Card |
| Time in CEST (local) | Session title (linked to meeting page) | Room | Adobe Connect | 9:00 | Members Day 1 | 114 (ccNSO) |
| 13:30-14:15 | Joint meeting: ccNSO & GAC | 117 (GAC) |
Card |
label | Wednesday, 24 October |
| Time in CEST (local) | Session title (linked to meeting page) | Room | Adobe Connect | 9:00 | Members Day 2 | 114 (ccNSO) |
| 17:00-18:30 | ccNSO Council Face to Face | 114 (ccNSO) |
Card |
label | Thursday, 25 October |
| Time in CEST (local) | Session title (linked to meeting page) | Room | Adobe Connect |