Transcript: EN EN
Chat Transcript:
23:51:49 From Eberhard Lisse : Hi, I am not yet here :-=)-O
23:52:10 From Kimberly Carlson : Ah ok, welcome Eberhard, welcome all
23:56:19 From Joke Braeken : hello everyone. If you would like to follow the live note taking, go to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1str5uUpSUQPjDFtLwrLyAgAzauZrg_TicVNnd82EREQ/edit?usp=sharing
23:57:51 From Peter Koch : Good ${timeofday}
23:58:28 From Kimberly Carlson : @Peter, glad we could accommodate
00:01:15 From naela.sarras : hi all
00:03:44 From lizwilliams : Hello everyone…as I will be in the European timezone just after the ICANN Panama meeting. I would be more than happy to give up my privilege of a 16:03 meeting…and thank you all for that…but perhaps we should take another look at timings
00:05:28 From lizwilliams : And we could also look at rotating the chairmanship duties to save horrible hours for some people…
00:06:36 From Joke Braeken : hello everyone. If you would like to follow the live note taking, go to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1str5uUpSUQPjDFtLwrLyAgAzauZrg_TicVNnd82EREQ/edit?usp=sharing
00:06:41 From Peter Koch : instead of a “hand”: I would like to repeat my request for a drop of the term “SSxit” in line 57
00:06:49 From sveta : Good morning!
00:07:45 From Eberhard Lisse : It is till the same document, without changes made last time
00:08:10 From Peter Koch : OK, works for me, tnx
00:09:47 From nigel : Do you prefer 'sudexit'?