Apologies: Peter Van Roste, Allan MacGillivray, Michele Neylon
1. Welcome & Roll Call
2. Action Items
- 2.1 Document Scenario 2 to be revised: completed & circulated
- 2.2 All comments on working method document
- 2.3 Secretariat to send out proposals to mailing list (based on 6 hours and 8 hours rotation scheme) to avoid the 01.00 (am) UTC calls. To be completed by San Juan meeting.
3. Scenario 2: second reading
4. Overall Work Plan: second reading
5. Initiating discussion Comparative Analysis
6. AOB
7. Next meetings:
- 7.1 22 February 2018, 09.00 (AM) UTC
- 7.2 15 March 2018, face-to face meeting San Juan, Puerto Rico (09.00 - noon local time)