1. Welcome and Roll Call
2. Operating standards Specific reviews: comments to date. Please check the draft Operating Standards in preparation of the upcoming meeting.
3. Rejection Action Guideline: continue discussion, feed-back on proposed language
Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VALCKoAjyqGm0fxDgqDKjNQfKU0uH6M78v7yqb5-6j0/edit?ts=5a1323e1#heading=h.ms7gio7m5kht
4. Working items:
5. AOB
56. Next meetings
• 11 December TBC’ed (to be confirmed on 4 December, most likely at 15.00 UTC)
• 15 January 2018, noon UTC
67. Closure
Recordings: Mp3