Ref | Action | Due Date | Status |
1.4 | All team members to read the draft questions, and identify (a) something you can provide an answer so. (if, please answer); (b) something you think is good but should have an answer; (c) missing and should be added or considered; (d) should be removed or identified as out of scope, irrelevant, or not applicable in Latin. | 2011-07-19 | Ongoing |
| Jothan Frakes to ask list members to volunteer for writing assignments |
| Ongoing |
| Leo Vegoda to ask Nicholas to review this reference provided by Cary |
| Done |
| Jothan Frakes to ask Will Shorter to supply full Latin table and ask Cary to explain omissions and logic/basis for narrowing |
| Done |
3.4 | Jothan Frakes to ask list members to volunteer for writing assignments. | 2011-09-22 | Done |
6.1 | Leo Vegoda to contact Eric Brown and Edmon Chong and request SoIs from them. | 2011-09-30 | Done |
6.2 | Jothan Frakes to send out a Last Call and solicit additional input, especially from those who have not previously contributed. | 2011-09-22 | Done |
7.1 | Jothan Frakes to ask the group if it agrees the conclusions | 2011-09-28 | Done |
7.2 | Kim Davies to review the recording, distill it, circulate with with Jothan and Cary before sharing it with the list | 2011-09-27 | Done |
DiscussionGoes here
The status of the document was discussed, including the problems that had been experienced in editing it because all the editors had used different software and none of it seems to implement the document formats properly. Nonetheless, Cary promised to have a cleaned up draft ready for Thursday. One particular change needed is to make sure the executive summary and conclusion match properly.
New and Continuing Action Items
Ref | Action | Due Date |
8.1 | Kim Davies to send Jothan Frakes the most recent version of the text | 2011-10-04 |
8.2 | Kim Davies to send Cary Karp the missing illustrations from the document | 2011-10-04 |
Next MeetingTBD
2011-10-06 1600 UTC