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  1. Welcome
  2. Roll Call
  3. Statements of Interest
  4. Responses From SO/ACs (IPC and any others received at: 13 Community Input ) and relevant documents: Briefing on the study (see below)
  5. Review Work Plan and Consider Next Steps
  6. AOB


1.  Responses from SOs/ACs: Continue to review questions from EWG on IRD (at 4 Proposed Questions and Taxonomies) and other relevant documents: Review relevant documents posted at and in particular the following reports:

--EWG IRD Interim Report (10 April 2014):
--Study on Available Solutions for the Submission and Display of Internationalized Contact Data:
2.  The Chairs should encourage the WG members who are from the Registrar SG to participate in the WG meetings.

3.  Develop slides for London: 1) update for GNSO Council; 2) slides for public meeting
