- Welcome
- Roll Call
- Statements of Interest
- Responses From SO/ACs (IPC and any others received at: 13 Community Input )
- Review Work Plan and Consider Next Steps
Actions: 1
. Responses from SOs/ACs: Extended the deadline to the end of March. Rudi will speak to Michele Neylon as a reminder (Chair, Registrar SG)
2. Review Work Plan and consider next steps. Staff will create a table/matrix to summarize responses.
3. Review reports re: Verification & Validation: Look at the relevant section of the RAA; page 23 of EWG Nov Update Document; Margie Milam's blog entry.
4. Consider Requesting F2F Meetings in London: Registrars, ALAC, others?
For Review:Review the attached chart of community input (attached and on the wiki) and provide comments via email in the format provided below. Staff will revise the chart in advance of the next meeting.
For Review:
- Public comment review tool T&T - 09 May2014.doc
- Summary of Current Status/Next Steps (Stock Taking) 17 April 2014
- A Model for Exploring WHOIS Accuracy (by Margie Milam)
- Interim Report from the Expert Working Group on Internationalized Registration Data 10 April 2014
- Status update report from the EWG on gTLD Directory Services 11 November 2013
- WHOIS Accuracy Program Specification part of the 2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement