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h4. [Para traducir a español|] h4. [Para traduzir no português|] ---- h4. Welcome to the online home of the At-Large (individual Internet user community) for the Latin American region, providing news, key resources and interactive features for information sharing for individuals and end-user groups in the Latin American region interested in ICANN and shaping the future of the Internet. ---- h1. BASIC INFORMATION * [What is ICANN?|] * [What is At-Large?|] * [How do I get involved?|] * [What type of groups can be At-Large Structures?|] * [Why become an At-Large Structure?|] ---- h1. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND LACRALO INFORMATION h4. 23 July 2010: Election Call 2010: [Information about the open positions, the election process and the nominations|2010 election calls lacralo en] now available h4. 23 de julio 2010: Convocatoria para Elecciones 2010: [Información sobre los cargos abiertos, el proceso de elección y las nominaciones|2010 election calls lacralo es] ya disponible * LACRALO ALAC Representative Candidate Debate: [LACRALO:LACRALO 31.08.2010 Teleconference] * Next LACRALO Meeting: [LACRALO:19 August LACRALO 19.08.2010] * *Latest LACRALO Teleconference:* [LACRALO:15 July 2010] * [LACRALO:LACRALO Secretariat Monthly Reports] - *NEW!* * [Policy Development Schedule|] - See what Policy Statements the At-Large Community is currently working on. * [LACRALO Brochure|LACRALO:LACRALO Brochure] - *NEW!* * [At-Large Briefing Sessions|alac:at_large_briefing_sessions] - briefing sessions on ICANN Policy related issues for the At-Large Community * [LACRALO:Older Announcements] * [List of certified ALSs|] * [ALS applications being reviewed (Google Docs account needed for access)|] * [LACRALO:LACRALO Organising Documents] * LACRALO [LACRALO:Regional Leaders] * [LACRALO:Miscellaneous] ---- h1. *MEETINGS AND EVENTS* * LACRALO [LACRALO:Meetings and Events] * [At-Large Advisory Committee Meetings|] * [ICANN International Meetings|] * [At-Large Policy Working Groups|] ---- h1. AT-LARGE COMMUNITY CALENDAR {html} <iframe src="" style=" border-width:0 " width="800" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> {html} ---- h1. BECOME INVOLVED IN LACRALO * [Where can I get more information?|] * [Where do I find the Application Forms?|] ---- h1. USEFUL LINKS h3. Other RALOs * [AFRALO|]: African RALO * [APRALO|]: Asian/Australian/Pacific RALO * [EURALO|]: European RALO * [NARALO|]: North American RALO h3. At-Large and ICANN * [At-Large official website|] * [At-Large mailing lists|] - Join the debate online * [ICANN official website|] h3. Regional Links * [LACTLD - LAC Regional TLDs|] * [LACNIC - LAC Region NIC|] * [LAC IPv6 Task Force|] * [LatinoAmerICANN|] * [Internet Governance Group Cusco|] * [LACRALO MoU with ICANN Signing Ceremony Video|] ---- h1. HOW-TO-USE THIS WORKSPACE Welcome to the Workspace. This is the home page for LACRALO-ICANN At-Large. Please feel free to add or modify pages -- even this one -- as you see fit. That's the idea of a Workspace. * If you'd like an *introductory tour* of the Socialtext Workspace, [start here|]. * Visit *Recent Changes* every once in a while to see what's new, and see [help:Socialtext Documentation] for tips to use this Workspace. ---- ---- |
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