BC Closed Meeting, Sunday June 19th 2011:The BC hosted a BC members only meeting on Sunday due to limited time on Constituency day, to discuss Policy topics and other Updates. This meeting was a closed meeting so for confidentiality purposes the transcript is not posted. Please contact Benedetta Rossi, BC Secretariat, if you would like to receive a copy of the transcript at bc-secretariat@icann.org.
The Meeting report from the Sunday Closed Meeting can be found here.
CSG Meeting, Tuesday June 21st 2011: The CSG hosted a meeting on Constituency Day, in preparation for the CSG Meeting with the Board.
The CSG Meeting report found here.
CSG Meeting with the WHOIS Review Team, Tuesday June 21st, 2011:The CSG met with the WHOIS Review Team. The WHOIS RT asked the CSG for input regarding different topics of relevance to the WHOIS.
CSG/WHOIS RT Report found here
BC Meeting with the Compliance Team and SSR, Tuesday June 21st, 2011: The The BC resumed after the CSG meeting with the WHOIS RT and hosted a session with different Guest Speakers, including the Compliance Team of ICANN and the SSR.
BC/Compliance Team/SSR Report found here