FY16-11-RrSG-Funding of four (4) additional travel slots for participation in ICANN meetings scheduled for FY 2016.
FY16-12-RrSG-Enhanced level of support for live video streaming for our RrSG face to face sessions at each of the 3 ICANN meetings in FY 2016
FY16-19-GNSO-GNSO PDP Working Group F2F Meetings – Pilot Project (Continued)
FY16-20-GNSO Council-GNSO Council Development Session
FY16-21-GNSO-IPC Promotional Publication Development
FY16-22-GNSO-IPC travel support to ICANN meetings.
FY16-23-GNSO-IPC Secretariat
FY16-24-GNSO-IPC website modernization
FY16-25-GNSO-IPC Outreach Activities