FY16-13-NPOC-Capacity and Awareness building brochure: "Strategic use of the DNS in Civil Society"
FY16-14-NPOC-DNS for Civil Society Online Resource Center and Knowledge Exchange
FY16-15-NPOC- Outreach and awareness building Video Clips
FY16-16-NPOC-Pilot Regional Civil Society Operational Concerns Learning Solutions Events
FY16-17-NPOC-Regional DNS Capacity and Awareness Building Webinars
FY16-11-RrSG-Funding of four (4) additional travel slots for participation in ICANN meetings scheduled for FY 2016.
FY16-12-RrSG-Enhanced level of support for live video streaming for our RrSG face to face sessions at each of the 3 ICANN meetings in FY 2016.