- Unlicensed user to hold the pen on the Review of Trusted Community Representation in Root Zone DNSSEC Key Signing Ceremonies. Staff to note this on the WIKI.
- Unlicensed user is to create a Workspace and mailing list for the At-Large ICANN Accessbility WG.- In progress
- Unlicensed user, Unlicensed user, and Unlicensed user are to work on the issue of the submission, documentation, handling and findings of Compliance investigations They are to develop a proposal to address the issues that Garth raised. Consisting of : 1) a complaint to Compliance' 2) how to go forward with the generic issue of the problem. Staff to communicate with the authors on the level of communication of this proposal.
- Matt Ashtiani Unlicensed user to work with Alan with Unlicensed user on the RoP changes
Silvia Vivanco to Unlicensed user to draft a message outling the procedure, in conjuction with Dev Anand Teelucksingh Unlicensed user, to each RALO on CROPP requests.