- Matt Ashtiani and Alan Greenberg to work on cleaning up the various mailing lists.
- Matt Ashtiani to work with Dev Anand Teelucksingh and Olivier Crepin-Leblond on the development of an overall workspace for the collection of At-Large AIs.
- Unlicensed user to begin speaking with RALO chairs on ALS decertifications.
- Olivier Crepin-Leblond and Alan Greenberg are to inform the ALAC when ATRT 2 documents are ready for review.
- Unlicensed user to move forward with the appointment of the .Mobi Liaison as we now have a response from Afilias. A call for candidates is to be sent, statements of interest are to be requested, and have a teleconference on the issue is to be held.
- Unlicensed user, Unlicensed user, and Unlicensed user, are to work together to develop a charter and propose initial chairs for the newly formed Regulatory Issues Working Group.
- Unlicensed user is to work on a statement to be drafted in response to the PC on Policy and Implementation - not necessarily that responds the questions being asked in the PC. Statement is to be discussed (and voted on if possible) during the 29 October teleconference. Closing date is: prior to BA.
- Unlicensed user is to locate the wording on "crowd sourcing" noted by Fadi Chede during the ALAC-Board meeing in Durban and send this information to Unlicensed user.