- Vote scheduled to start shortly. ExCom to discuss question of the vote:
Whereas the official representative of the At-Large Structure:
Internet Users Network (Tokyo) has requested that the At-Large
Structure (ALS) be decertified as a preparatory step to the Internet
Users Network (Tokyo) being dissolved;The ALAC, in accordance with its rules, decertifies the Internet
Users Network (Tokyo) as an ICANN At-Large ALS. Such decertification
is done without prejudice to any future re-application of this
organization for certification as an ALS, or the application for ALS
certification of any new group bearing the same name.===========
Whereas the official representative of the At-Large Structure: )
Internet Internet Society Pakistan Chapter no longer seems to exist, its
domain name (isocpk.org) has expired, and all communication with
identified leaders of the ALS has failed;Whereas other At-Large participants from Pakistan have verified that
the Internet Society Pakistan Chapter no longer exists;The ALAC, in accordance with its rules, decertifies Internet Society
Pakistan Chapter as an ICANN At-Large ALS. Such decertification is
done without prejudice to any future re-application of this
organization for certification as an ALS, or the application for ALS
certification of any new group bearing the same name.