- Vote scheduled to start shortly. ExCom to discuss question of the vote:Based on the information
- received by the ALAC, should the ALSĀ [reference number and full name of ALS] be decertified according to Section II.7 of the At-Large Framework Formation on http://www.atlarge.icann.org/framework.htm#CertificationProcess and ICANN Bylaws, Article IV, Section 2 of the ICANN Bylaws?
Whereas the official representative of the At-Large Structure:
Internet Users Network (Tokyo) has requested that the At-Large
Structure (ALS) be decertified as a preparatory step to the Internet
Users Network (Tokyo) being dissolved;The ALAC, in accordance with its rules, decertifies the Internet
Users Network (Tokyo) as an ICANN At-Large ALS. Such decertification
is done without prejudice to any future re-application of this
organization for certification as an ALS, or the application for ALS
certification of any new group bearing the same name.===========
Whereas the official representative of the At-Large Structure: )
Internet Society Pakistan Chapter no longer seems to exist, its
domain name (isocpk.org) has expired, and all communication with
identified leaders of the ALS has failed;Whereas other At-Large participants from Pakistan have verified that
the Internet Society Pakistan Chapter no longer exists;The ALAC, in accordance with its rules, decertifies Internet Society
Pakistan Chapter as an ICANN At-Large ALS. Such decertification is
done without prejudice to any future re-application of this
organization for certification as an ALS, or the application for ALS
certification of any new group bearing the same name.
5. NomCom Update on Schedule of Selectee Announcements and Impact on ALAC Representative Selection Schedule - Olivier (10 minutes)