4. Review of the ALAC Meeting of 28 May 2013 - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (15 minutes)
5. ALS De-Certification - Next Step - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (5 minutes)
See: Former At-Large Structures Workspaces
a. Alfa-Redi status and next steps
6. Review of At-Large Meeting Schedule and Agendas for the 47th ICANN Meeting in Durban - All (15 minutes)
a. Schedule and agendas of ALAC and At-Large meetings - See At-Large Durban Meetings Workspace
iv. At-Large Durban Topics for the Public Forum Workspace
7. Security Studies on the Use of Non-Delegated TLDs, and Dotless Names Olivier Crepin-Leblond and Julie Hammer (15 minutes)
See: ICANN Announcement on Security Studies on the Use of Non-Delegated TLDs, and Dotless Names
See: SSAC Reports and Advisories