2. Review of Action Items from the 26 March ALAC Meeting and the 18 March 2013 ExCom Meeting - Olivier (10 minutes)
Items for Discussion
3. Policy Advice Development Page – Tijani, Olivier (20 minutes) (TO BE UPDATED FOLLOWING THE ALAC MEETING)
See: ICANN Public Comment page
vi. Locking of a Domain Name Subject to UDRP Proceedings – Initial Report - No Statement.Comment period closes April 26 2013. Reply period closes 17 May 2013.
See: At-Large New gTLDs Review Group
5. Review of Week in ICANN HQ - Olivier and Alan (15 mins)
a. Meetings with various staff
b. ATRT2 Meeting
6. Endorsement of New ICANN Meeting Strategy Group - Olivier (10 mins)
See: Announcement (including Call for Applicants and Charter)
See: At-Large Meeting Strategy Working Group Meetings and Events Workspace
Based on these two additions to the timeline, the deadlines for the following have been extended:
- Publication of the list of the members of the MSWG: 20 March 2013 (instead of 11 March)
- First meeting of the MSWG: week of 25 March 2013 (instead of week of 18 March)
Review of the ALAC Meeting of 26 March 2013 - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (20 mins)
5. At-Large Meeting Schedule for the 46th ICANN Meeting in Beijing - All (
20 minutes)
a. Status of At-Large Beijing Agendas - See At-Large Beijing Meetings Workspace
e. Update on APRALO Beijing Events - See APRALO Beijing Events Workspace
8. Topics for 26 February 2013 ALAC Meeting - Olivier (5 minutes)
6. Any other Business - Olivier (3 minutes)