Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Hello everyone.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Hi Rinalia
Heidi Ullrich: Hello, everyone!
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Cheryl! Dejavue
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Hi, Heidi.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: What a bundle of calls this week!
Heidi Ullrich: Wait until Costa Rica, Rinalia ;)
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: That's when all the calls happen all at once. ;)
Heidi Ullrich: +1 Matt!
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Bravo!
Matt Ashtiani: :-)
Heidi Ullrich: AIs from ALAC call: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/ALAC+28.02.12+-+Action+Items+-+EN
Evan Leibovitch: I like bizarre....
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Yes, very promising indeed.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: OCL can Alan raise his points / report now then??
Heidi Ullrich: Please refresh the AI page. It has been updated.
Evan Leibovitch: I have two AOB items:
Evan Leibovitch: 1) Introduction of the FC-WG "R3" white paper to ALAC and the community at large
Evan Leibovitch: 2) The vote on the application for the ALS "Notary Association of Uruguay"
Heidi Ullrich: ExCom 14 Feb AIs; https://community.icann.org/display/alacexcomm/ALAC+ExCom+14.02.12+Action+Items
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: I got dropped.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Can Adigo call me back please?
Heidi Ullrich: They are dialing you now
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: back in. thanks!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: ARGH!!!
Heidi Ullrich: Tuesday, 13 March 2012 (ccNSO)ccNSO Internal Government Control Time: 14:00-15:25Meeting Room: Bougainvillea
Heidi Ullrich: Carlton is on
Evan Leibovitch: this is why it is so amazing that so many of ICANN's major stakeholders are resisting discussion of this.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Question: Would the statement on the IDN Variant Group and the WHO IS one cross-reeferemce each other?
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: can't hear Carlton
Alan Greenberg: Garbled again
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: garbling comes in and out
Carlton Samuels: I'm not sure what's happening since I'm hearing you well
Heidi Ullrich: He is saying that he believes that there may be more comments on the draft ALAC statement on Whois after the Whois meetings in CR (that is what I got)
Alan Greenberg: Cannot understand
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: garbled!
Evan Leibovitch: calton is underwater
Alan Greenberg: Don't forget I wanted a few minutes on IOC/RC
Heidi Ullrich: Draft Whois statement - https://community.icann.org/display/alacpolicydev/At-Large+WHOIS+Policy+Review+Team+Draft+Report+Workspace
Carlton Samuels: Ok OCL
Carlton Samuels: Not sure what's happening;
Heidi Ullrich: .CAT has been corrected...
Evan Leibovitch: Puurfect
Carlton Samuels: @Rinalia: The RT Report makes the case for a uniform implementation of WHOIS across all gTLD variants on prnciple that the purpose is the same. Our statement endorses that position. There is also a WG on Internationalized WHOIS report that speaks to possible implementaiton of WHOIS in the IDN world.
Carlton Samuels: Got dropped!
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Thanks, Carlton!
Evan Leibovitch: I *could* be jumping up and down ... but I'm not
Carlton Samuels: Is it possible to use the Adobe voice bridge?
Carlton Samuels: I'm back!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: hmm interesting indeed @Alan
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: sounds like someone has been actually listening
Carlton Samuels: @Alan: It is a retro fit!
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: post-validation!
Carlton Samuels: They're asking for the DT to validate Board action!
Evan Leibovitch: One would think that this action offers an opportunity for the DT to push back on the whole mess
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: What is a DT?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: we ( ALAC) should look to our interactions with GAC on this as they were the trigger point and we need to understand it better
Evan Leibovitch: draftiongh team,
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Thanks, Evan.
Evan Leibovitch: drafting, actually :-)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: DT is a Drafting Team in an SO
Carlton Samuels: @Rinalia: Drafting Team in this context.
Carlton Samuels: :-) Sorry my dear
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: TQ. ;)
Evan Leibovitch: Could be that staff is engaged in legal CYA.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: i smell an opportunity here though
Evan Leibovitch: yup
Carlton Samuels: @Alan: Oh no! They're not asking for reversal at all. IT's 'Hail Mary Full of Grace'!
Evan Leibovitch: The Board *can* reverse itself
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: keep us posted Alan this is looking like a Saga is aboit to begin
Carlton Samuels: @OCL: Absolutely right!! Best characterisation as I've heard!!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: yes it can BUT in doing so would open up other issues internally from GAC etc., and externally with risk of litigation
Evan Leibovitch: "ICANN weenies".... can't get rid of them
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Theatre Sports
Carlton Samuels: @CLO: +1. It is an opportunity!!
Carlton Samuels: Big enough to drive a Euclid truck thru!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: we shnd line with the GACould do the help us understa
Carlton Samuels: @CLO: Let's line up put not lead the parade...
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: try again... we should take a help us understand this approach to this topic with the GAC IMO
Evan Leibovitch: Yes to BOTH
Carlton Samuels: No to GAC. We know what they think!
Evan Leibovitch: The convo with the GAC is as much to let them know WE cosider this against the public interest
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: We just want to know the rationale/reasoning behind the decision.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: If there is a back peddel possible happening a public discussioj can hobble
Tijani BEN JEMAA: Dropped
Tijani BEN JEMAA: Can you plz Gisella make Adigo call me back
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I spend a lot of time earning my keep as a Board Member Carlton thus my 'perspective' on this
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Sorry Evan were not needing to do remeadiation of the Board
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: our concerns can be made in a niumber of ways not just In a Public Meeitn with the ALAC
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Gisella is not online Tijani. I hope Silvia is seeing your messages
Evan Leibovitch: Our overarching goal -- why ALAC exists -- is to advise the Board. Everything else we do is subsidiary
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Correct Carlton
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Perhaps the issues is that of the timing of the intervention from ALAC.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and we can advise them of our concerns
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: this is a topic Or NOT for a F2F Meeting in CR
Heidi Ullrich: Tijani is back
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: it would be a risk of public disclosure and risk of waiver of priveledge in legal terms
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: a HIGE risk for any Board
Carlton Samuels: @CLO: might be useful to explain how 'waiver of privilege' works in this context.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: @Cheryl. Agreed on how and when.
Carlton Samuels: @Evan: Let's use the statement to 'record' our concerns. It will avoid a 'food fight' with Board & GAC
Carlton Samuels: And as CLO says, this thing is in flight and the contours may be changing as we speak
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: sure can Carlton here is a tiny bit for you an organisation risks waiving privilege by referring to the privileged communication in a non confidential forum, such as negotiations with another company, disclosure to regulators, or a media statement. Even disclosing merely the gist or conclusion of legal advice may be a waiver of privilege in the whole advice.Despite the ease with which privilege can be waived, there are some easy steps directors (and employees) can and should take to help their organisations minimise the risk of waiving privilege.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: that is just ONE aspect here
Carlton Samuels: @CLO: This is the one of interest. Thanks
Evan Leibovitch: To me this is a transparency issue. We also have our own community to serve... and to be seen to serve
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: as we have a real rsisk of litigation if there is a change to the rules during the current new gTLD pricess this DOES apply
Evan Leibovitch: Fine. Let's work on the kneecaps
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: ther will be another ATRT Review of the Board very soon that can be raised then
Carlton Samuels: @CLO: Yes ma'am. This is the top of mind issue!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and the ensuing recommendations would then have serious clout
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: this is so annoying
Evan Leibovitch: There is a bigger issue with the Board about the ease with thich the MSM is bypassed
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: I can still hear you
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: but your lost me
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: yes Carlton I still can
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: aaaaarrrgh!
Heidi Ullrich: I've asked for a dial out
Heidi Ullrich: Adigo is saying you've dialed int
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: yes I am back
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Global Public Interest does effect this yes but that piece of work is HUGE
Evan Leibovitch: Public interest is item #1 in the Future Challaenges WG report to be dealt with by ALAC in San Juan
Carlton Samuels: @Evan: U mean San Jose
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: i wonder if this should be a subject to work on in our meeting with the Board in Prague?
Evan Leibovitch: yes.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: with the new gTLD process out of the way
Evan Leibovitch: Between San jose and Prague, the FCWG white paper will be refined
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Board members might bemore conducive to listen & respond and as you mention, we'll have more info, both from the FCWG but other WGs too
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: The Board is also kinda busy until a NEW CEO is selected and working and new CEO means New ICANN Cultural change chance
Carlton Samuels: @Rinalia: +1 to a learning session.
Carlton Samuels: Timing is going to be an issue
Evan Leibovitch: There is one big difference in timing. ICANN's very existence and legitimacy is called into question by governments and others who will claims that ICANN does not serve the public interest
Evan Leibovitch: If ICANN does not finally confront this, others will do so on its behalf... and the results will not be pretty
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: reaching out to BC here would be ueful they have wanted this deffinition for ICANN for AGES
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: What's BC?
Carlton Samuels: Business Community House of GNSO
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Thanks.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: GNSO Commerciual Users Constituency called Business Constiruency
Evan Leibovitch: Business constituency -- a component of the non-contracted house of GNSO
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: 3 different ways of saying BC!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: - ICANN Academy and its benefit to get ICANN volunteers to work smarter.- How is ICANN changing, given the new Board Chair and CEO changes?- Now that the big challenge of getting the gTLD program on track is out of the way, what are ICANN's next big challenges? What are the ICANN Chair's priorities going to be now?- Following up on the Applicant Support Program -- what are its outcomes?- Talking about accountability & transparency is not enough. How will the ICANN Chair instil the multi-stakeholder model and more openness into ICANN's processes?- Opening the door to work on user rights (an expansion of "consumer choice") would be welcome too, bearing in mind the ALAC has an issue with the Board's definition of "consumer" since our community strives to bring the voice of the end user into ICANN, whether they are consumers or non consumers of domain names; they are Internet users.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Steve can picj and cchoose
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Say it Evan: CWG!
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Or is it CCWG?
Evan Leibovitch: both have been used
Carlton Samuels: both but mostly CWG
Evan Leibovitch: CCWG is the GNSO's preferred use, everyone else says CWG
Carlton Samuels: I'm dropped..went silent then came back then finally died!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: All sounds good OCL
Carlton Samuels: @OCL: The CEO is a lame duck. How do you figure that in the mix?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: that set alone is a 3 day Agenda
Evan Leibovitch: The CCWG development process is a mess.
Carlton Samuels: Waiting for rec-nnection!
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Yes, and are you not putting it on the agenda for the CC meeting that OCL is having?
Heidi Ullrich: We are dialing back, Carlton
Carlton Samuels: @Evan: CWG process as presented is a crock. The ALAC cannot agree to it as is, on principle
Carlton Samuels: @Heidi: Thanks
Carlton Samuels: I'm back guys
Heidi Ullrich: Should the Capacity Building topic be discussed immediately after the Academy item? It would be a better flow.
Heidi Ullrich: That is the order the ALAC is discussing the issue on Sunday
Heidi Ullrich: Welcome back, Carlton
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: I agree, Heidi.
Carlton Samuels: @Evan: I'm with you here. How I read the framework doc they sent is a model for EVERYBODy, not just them. And that is form the perspective that the GNSO is the initiator of ICANN policy.
Carlton Samuels: *from*. Their objective is to ring fence their 'supremacy' in policy development!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: it is typical of GNSO to think they need to build the solutions but the original intention was to ensure internal processe existed
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I have Evan
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and so Yes OCL should take it to this Agenda' CWG's MUST exoist and are the way of the future
Carlton Samuels: @CLO: +1 to CWG's a s very important for policy deve;lopment, going forward
Carlton Samuels: We - ALAC - actually endorsed it in developing WHOIS policy already
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Is the issue of financing At Large activities not a hot topic any more?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: more a perenial one
Carlton Samuels: @Evan: On what OCL should take up with Steve C. - +1 for one-to-one subjects
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: We also have ALSes who do not care
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: got dropped. Pls call back.
Heidi Ullrich: Adigo is dialing you back.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: back in.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and we need to ensure the END Game is as close to what we need as opposed to the Game process sometimes
Carlton Samuels: @CLO: YES +++. the RESULTS matter!!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: my mantra my dear
Evan Leibovitch: not just the Red Cross/IOC issue , but there general one of bilateral policy making as opposed to MSM
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: yues I'll word it accordingly
Heidi Ullrich: Please refer to the At-Large CR page for At-Large meeting agendas: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+San+Jose+-+Meetings+Schedule+11-16+March+2012
Heidi Ullrich: translations into ES/FR will be posted shortly
Heidi Ullrich: The public schedule may not correctly reflect the LACRAL
Heidi Ullrich: The public schedule may not correctly reflect the LACRALO events due to the late confirmation of these meetings.
Heidi Ullrich: Thanks for raising the issue, Cheryl.
Heidi Ullrich: The At-Large Improvements Implementation Project Taskforce and the Status UPdate is one of the main issues I highlighted for At-Large issues/activities for CR to the CEO
Heidi Ullrich: Tijani dropped. Adigo is calling him back
Tijani BEN JEMAA: I'm back
Evan Leibovitch: Arguably there was an explanation for the rationale to reject, included in the information packet. for the ALS application
Evan Leibovitch: I simply did not accept the rationale as sufficient for exclusion in the case of one, and agreed in the case of the other
Carlton Samuels: @Evan: +1. I beleive that yours is a motion invoking 'due diligence' and the Chair has responded appropriately
Evan Leibovitch: agreed
Carlton Samuels: @CL:: Yes ma'am. It IS very much a cultural artefact because of this need to 'direct' what an ALS does
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: 1) Introduction of the FC-WG "R3" white paper to ALAC and the community at large
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Great! looking forward to it.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: End!
Carlton Samuels: Thanks all. See y'all next week
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thank YOU OCl and look forward to catching up wiothyou all on Sat night dinner
Heidi Ullrich: Bye! Safe travels!
Heidi Ullrich: Whois BRiefing on Monday
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Thanks everyone!
Carlton Samuels: Yes Heidi. Thanks for the reminder
Evan Leibovitch: Heidi, is there a way to have a FCWG conference call between now and San Jose?
Matt Ashtiani: bye all, safe travels and see you all soon!
Heidi Ullrich: only M-W
Carlton Samuels: Hey Matt, thanks for your quick intervention. Even got something from the hotel now
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