- After the new year, Staff to work with Cheryl Langdon-Orr in preparation of the RoP WG and Metrics WG.There is to be a call for membership. - IN PROGRESS
- Olivier to write to Steve Crocker, chair of the ICANN board, starting discussions for templates for statements and chair reports.
- Olivier Crépin-Leblond, helped by At-Large Staff, to email new ALAC members and ask that they they repopulate the WGs (a standing requirement of new members).
- Olivier Crépin-Leblond to follow up with the ASO Chair, Louis Lee, on further Cross Constituency work.
- RoP WG Members to create a glossary of commonly used nomenclature.
- At-Large Staff to move forward with the SOI and COI page.
- Matt Ashtiani to support Beau with the RR page
- Heidi Ullrich to contact Sala to discus the issue of capacity building issues on the Feb ALAC meeting.
- Gisella to prepare a document showing ALAC members' current membership in WGs by the next ALAC meeting.
- Matt Ashtiani to send a reminder of how to subscribe to the ICANN Policy list.
- Silvia Vivanco and Gisella Gruber to ensure that the transcript of this call (24 January ALAC meeting) is to be saved for the RoP WG so they can review it once they begin their work.
- Evan Leibovitch to liaise with the NCSG and attempt to reduce the current agenda into a more managable one.