See: At-Large .CAT Whois Proposed Changes Workspace - Carlton preparing draft ALAC statement.
iv. Framework for the FY 13 Budget - Deadline 23 February
See: At-Large Framework for the FY13 Budget Workspace - Tijani to prepare draft and send to FBSC.
v. Whois Policy Review Team Draft Report - Deadline: 18 March 2012
4. Follow Up from the ALAC Meeting of 24 January 2012 - Olivier (20 min)
See: ALAC Meeting of 24 January 2012
5. Updated ALAC Advice on new gTLDs - Next Steps - Evan and Olivier (10 min)
See: Draft Updated ALAC Advice on new gTLDs
6. San Jose, Costa Rica - Initial Meeting Scheduling Agenda Development (10 20 min) - Olivier
See: At-Large San Jose Meeting Page
Deadline for the scheduling of meetings is 3 February 2012.
7. Agenda Development for 24 January ALAC Meeting (5 min) - Olivier
86. Any other Business -- Olivier (5 min)