Rinalia Abdul Rahim:hi, Gisella. No call yet.
Gisella Gruber-White:on its way
Heidi Ullrich:Hello everyone!
Gisella Gruber-White:Rinalia - we are dialling back to you
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:I'm in!
Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome Evan
Heidi Ullrich:Rinalia, the interesting hours are part of the bonding process ;)
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:of course, Heidi! ;)
Evan Leibovitch:Hi all.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Hi, Evan!
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:No additions for me.
Heidi Ullrich:15 Nov ExCom AIs: https://community.icann.org/display/alacexcomm/ALAC+ExCom+15.11.11+Action+Items
Sebastien:OK Olivier
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Whichever option works faster and most effective to get us moving!
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Agreed.
CLO:Sorry the AC room did NOT wan't to load for me had to re-start
Heidi Ullrich:Welcome, Cheryl!
Evan Leibovitch:the wonders of threaded mail readers :-) they're life savers
Gisella Gruber-White:NPOC - all confirmed now with attendees so Doodle will be going out today with options for next Thursday and Friday and early the following week
CLO:On the wind-up of WG's matter *please note* it is MORE than a bandwidth issue it is a matter of the order of things nomenclaturre and some templating has been discussed and now need actioning.. Then it goes to next stepo it as an AI should be not only the lower priority that it is but marked as IN PROGRESS and will continue like that until later on (whicch IS the bandwidth matter) it need be reviewed each meeting but marked for a progresss report to ExCom in Meeting #43 later planning and report to ALAC AT the next F2F meeting => NOTE I have said this several times before
Evan Leibovitch:Next steps... limiting ourselves to two-syllable words.
CLO:Alan arued and ytou agreed that the Exec Sum is a THING people would auto read BUT the Public Particiaption guidelined already adopted ICANN wide saiys ExCo's must be used in formal docs ( along woth other formating
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks Cheryl. Good point
CLO:the Exec Summary is a thing that like the staff cover page should just exist
CLO: thinkl of it as a synopsis if that helps you
Sebastien:Maybe if it short name this doc an executif summary
CLO:yes of use the Synopsis / abstract appraoch
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:For purposes of information searches I agree with Cheryl that we need an abstract/exec summary label.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Label the one pager as Exec Summary.
CLO:Not all that different to the ist link on a oage rule in google searches
CLO:should read 1st link
CLO:it is also going to come up again in ther template AI
Evan Leibovitch:Of course, there should be a general goal to try to copy-edit docs to make the *entire* documents more suscinct. There's a lot of fluff, and sometimes things that are introductions (ie, the history of how a doc was made) are better places as appendices
Evan Leibovitch:Tom and Dick, sure. Not sure about Harry.
CLO:perhaps you can title your cal for EoI's endorsed by the Regions to the regions
CLO:cal = Call
CLO:no good having a person NOT supported by the region' that can happen of course should be an AI ON each RALO meeting
CLO:corret Tijani the WT recommendations was to shift from 5 ALAC Meembers from Geo regions and to ADD 5 RALO reps
CLO:no n= 10 Members
CLO:2 per GEO Region/REALO and 50% ALAC 50% RALOs for At-Large
CLO:this IS a matter of ALAC Improvements Implementation BTW
CLO:NOT a suggestion
CLO:it IS what if IS
CLO:as Tijani saiys
CLO: NO onkky 0
CLO:5 + %
Evan Leibovitch:wanting is one thing. fulfilling is another. even if it is a requirement, WG population is a challenge unless you just want people listed by name who don't show up
CLO:plus others can be 'on the list in the wikis in meetings as observers
Heidi Ullrich:I need to step away for a few minutes, but will remain on the call
CLO:The repopul;ation is ONKY required as people have left the ALAC
CLO:or were serving for the ALAC and now no longer belong etc.,
CLO:it is NT repopulating a WG os is perhaps best thought od being an APPOINTMENT to this SC and in this SC there are SKILLS required
CLO:it is also specific to several of the points in ALAC Improvements implementation
CLO:utalise them in OTHER WG's there is only a few (in this case 1) Sub Cimmittee
CLO:he also requeste the B&F SC
CLO:Ganesh that is
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:That should be stated on the staff call for volunteers in WGs etc.
CLO:it is one of the reasins we have appointment of "ALAC leads / liaisons to WG's to ensure there is always some ALAC leadership in ALL WG's but of course WG's are not limited to just 1 ALACer in each WG
CLO:WG's deliberatly need more inout from RALOs and ALSes and Rank and file ALS or RALO membership where a RALO has Individual Membership) as well as being OPEN to ALL 'in theory' at least
CLO:So sorry about my typos at this hour I do literally type in the dark and I'm a lousy typer any way ;-)
CLO:at least in Skype chat I can correct in AC it is always an error made is there for all time ;-(
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Is it possible to consolidate action items? They are repeated because we review them based on dates of meetings.
CLO:Yes that would help Rinalia and in fact the new listing method for AI's will get this as an 'easier to do' matter as well IMO
Heidi Ullrich:I'm back at my computer.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:For future meetings could we just review the consolidated list of AIs?
CLO:be a plan yup and would help shorton main ALAC meetings as well
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:question about next ALAC calls?
CLO:I also have a suggestion as to how it can be made easier to track in the what is happeining on the wiki spaces and what is in the open for comments management system
Gisella Gruber-White 2:Yes
Heidi Ullrich:Gisella will send the calendar
CLO:for example your (ALAC's) methods have changed radically over the last few moinths so needs to be properly integrated
Heidi Ullrich:I think G will be able to do it before the end of the call!
Sebastien:I maybe cut
Sebastien:I am ;)
Heidi Ullrich:Would you like a dial out?
Evan Leibovitch:That's already the case.
Sebastien:I am back
Sebastien:Any ex-IDN liaison?
CLO:Yes we have Seb
CLO:in ascii as well we have => we can say we have NO objection to the paper AND pour support is consitant with ALAC advice previously made in other TLDs
Heidi Ullrich:ALAC Statement on the Draft Final Report on Policy Aspects Regarding Introduction of Single Character IDN TLDs: http://www.atlarge.icann.org/correspondence/correspondence-03jan11-en.htm
Heidi Ullrich:All previous statements are listed under the Correspondence tab
Heidi Ullrich:http://www.atlarge.icann.org/correspondence
Evan Leibovitch:I am personally opposed to three-letter ccTLDs
Evan Leibovitch:(in latin script)
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:i'm hearing echoes
Sebastien:for .info
Evan Leibovitch:olivier, you just went all spacey
Heidi Ullrich:Sebastien, your line has been muted
CLO:noted Evan but we were talking gTLD's here ( as .ASIA is a g TLD
CLO:yes it is the 2nd level issue here as we did in the case of .INFO
Sebastien:ALAC didn't comments for the same topic on .info, .cat;
Sebastien:.biz no comment
CLO:Rinalia we can raise this in the APRALO call so that HOLLY os a Regional Rep in the whois WG
CLO:that solves the issue both ways ;-)
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:ok!
Sebastien:And the 2 people members from the Whois RT?
CLO:it is not just the WG it is the response to the PC Evan
CLO:yes which is why she wiill be oerfect for it
Heidi Ullrich:ALAC Agenda from 22 November: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/ALAC+22.11.11+-+Monthly+Teleconference
CLO:as log as it does not disinfrqnchise the WHOIS WG which we already have formed and takes inti account list activities discussions recent and past etc., etc.,
Evan Leibovitch:I recommend penguin-based computers.
CLO:log = ling in the above point of mine...
CLO:erghh log = ling = LONG * sigh*
Sebastien:Tijani it is not yet setup
CLO:that is quite an assumotion Evan
CLO:that he has gone t the componant parts of ICANN
CLO:I HOPE he has but\
CLO:so it all went into lost in translation a bit as well
CLO:Ohhh yes
CLO:this could be very messy indeed (Rgionally speaking)
CLO:Give it your best shot...
Evan Leibovitch:the AFRALO neeting was able to be held -- in part -- thanks to the sacrifice of other RALOs. I would not assume continued and ongoing sacrifice
CLO:In LACRALO was VERY soecific on that Evan when they gave their sacrifice / support
Evan Leibovitch:Perhaps we should be more strategic and consider pushing harder for Summit II
Tijani:Yes Evan, and all AFRALO ALSes are thankful of the EURALO and LACRALO,
Evan Leibovitch:The only thing overlooked is that we are now at 2hrs
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Got cut off.
Evan Leibovitch:@Tiani... I was not meaning to elicit thanks, so much as to emphasize that the sacrifice was a one-time effort and cannot be relied upon to be repeated.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:It will not. We have made it clear in the past
CLO:this matter is impoertant to Rinalia and SHE has been discinnected
Evan Leibovitch:I am OK with staggered times to share ther pain
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:are we talking about meeting time?
Evan Leibovitch:yes
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:I'm ok with the time.
Gisella Gruber-White 2:I got cut off
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Friday?
Heidi Ullrich:Please let us know how Friday looks
CLO:2100 - 2300 UTC often works for meetings in my experience
CLO:gets AP in (OK
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:thanks everyone!
CLO:is G looking to all these drop outs with the teleconf providor?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:There certainly are more dropouts than there ever were in the past
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:so many people got dropped yesterday it was like watching snow fall
CLO:seems ti be in a bqd oatch for a number of our calls 9INCLE NIN alac ONES)
CLO:last week was bad to for other WG's
Sebastien:Yes I can confirm CLO
Sebastien:Take care
CLO:ok at 0342 signig off then
Heidi Ullrich:Welcome to the ExCom call of 14 December
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:hello
Matt Ashtiani:hello everyone!
Carlton Samuels:Hi Everyone
Evan Leibovitch:does the senate hearings count as "public comment"?
Heidi Ullrich:23 November ExCom AIs: https://community.icann.org/display/alacexcomm/ALAC+ExCom+23.11.11+Action+Items
Evan Leibovitch:Just going through my email. Beau has indeed responded to me that he would repopulate the Registrant Rights WG ... but it hasn't happened yet.
Heidi Ullrich:Staff will start a section on the AIs "To be completed in Costa Rica"
CLO:I would expect a similar one for us to that Yes Alan
CLO:an intro and a mutual bebenifts . opportunities follow up chat
Heidi Ullrich:It actually has already been set up :) - Thanks Matt!
CLO:shifting to the regional focus for the work and the AC's formally at the F2F meetings as required...
Heidi Ullrich:Silvia will be the main staff support for the RoP WG.
Heidi Ullrich:@Cheryl, the development of a glossary will be very useful for the Beginner's Guide on participating in At-Large.
Heidi Ullrich:Which is now in a rough draft form
Evan Leibovitch:[ hanging up and dialing back in to get rid of the echo coming from my line. ]
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:ok Evan
Carlton Samuels:im having a difficult time hearing CLO
CLO:Carlton what they should be doing IMO is sticking to coimment on the matters of Consent as NEWLY defineed IN the Public Comment we have out now for the FoI-WG chapter "Consent" that is all
Carlton Samuels:@CLO: +1. The channel via which a NARALO communique is sent to the ccNSO is a very important issue
Carlton Samuels:This is a case where the proceedural matter is equally important in context of the contents of the letter!
Carlton Samuels:really bad echo on the line fromCLO!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:echo also heard here. Someone's on speakerphone
CLO:as ccNSO Liaison oif NARALO want to send on their behalf NOT ALAC's to the Council I'm happy to pass it on but it does NIT imply endorsement or concsent by ALAC IMO
Carlton Samuels:@Alan: Which is precisely why I raised the issue!!
Evan Leibovitch:There is one thing to give constructive input to the ccNSO re the FoI. But if NARALO still wants to give advice to *ICANN* as a matter of At-Large advice that is different (and IMO still legiotimate)
Carlton Samuels:...and my call for caution! We must be mindful of what is construed using this channel!
CLO:No Council beyond tnat given in DAKAR has been sort at all
Carlton Samuels:@Evan: I agree
CLO:My council of course would be as above respond to the matters IN the current and RELEVANT future PC's on th matter is what I would be saying
Evan Leibovitch:+1 to liaison passing the message and being very clear wrt its source
CLO:the drafters of the letter seem to have different concepts however... *sigh*
Evan Leibovitch:Hey, it's bottom up. It isn't always tidy ;-)
CLO:beleive me @Evan it would be VERY cautiosly handleled indeed IF I havr to pass it on at all..
Evan Leibovitch:The region is very angry that the redelegation was allowed to occur. They may not even be clear on the circumstances and the remedies. But they have absolutely every legitimacy to raise the issue as a matter of diminishing (in the eyes of the region) the stability, security and public trust in the DNS.
Carlton Samuels:I'm kicked off!
Nathalie Peregrine:We're dialling out to you Carlton
Carlton Samuels:back on
Carlton Samuels:The quality of audio is really very bad for me!
Carlton Samuels:Tijani was just a bundle of echoes
Carlton Samuels:Alan is speaking from the bottom of a barrel!
Evan Leibovitch:might be your line. I hear hom fine.
Carlton Samuels:I'm in the void now, betwixt and between!
Carlton Samuels:I can't hear a ....ok I'm hearing something now
Nathalie Peregrine:@Carlton, I can hear fine, would you like us to dial out to you again?
Carlton Samuels:@Nathalie: Maybe not. I have carpenters banging on wood next door, the gardener running a lawnmower so...
Carlton Samuels:Let me see if I can get even a sense of what is being said
Nathalie Peregrine:Alright, please let me know.
Carlton Samuels:@JAS Implementation: The process seems to ignore the bottom-up approach!!
Carlton Samuels:I have been reticent in responding if only because Evan, Tijani and others have already indicated the disappointments. Mark me down as ++!
Carlton Samuels:@JAS WG: The plan was placed on the WG and comments requested!
Evan Leibovitch:I am coming to the point where I think that ALAC -- independent of JAS/gTLD-WG issues -- has something to be said about the A&T issues raised by the way this was done.
Carlton Samuels:@JAS WG: Had a private note from Rafik this am asking for procedure. I told him give the WG a few more dys to see if anything bounce on the list and we will ask a small group to formally respond and place the draft on the list!
Evan Leibovitch:@CAS +1
Evan Leibovitch:I will send mine this week
Matt Ashtiani:https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+360+Group+Proposal+Workspace
Carlton Samuels:@Alan on 360 proposal: +1
Carlton Samuels:@Alan on Prelim Issues Report on WHOIS: I agree about WHOIS WG discussion; mostly irrelevant!
Carlton Samuels:https://community.icann.org/display/RAA/Negotiations+Between+ICANN+and+Registrars+to+Amend+the+Registrar+Accreditation+Agreement
Carlton Samuels:and that!
Carlton Samuels:The Report has some recommendations that is a survey of concerns. We need to start with those and if others yet exist, then add them to our response
Carlton Samuels:Sorry, I'm going to drop off now. Can't hear a word of Tijani's....and the gardener is getting on my last good nerve!
Carlton Samuels:bye everyone
Evan Leibovitch:bye!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:thanks Carlton
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:I have to run also. Sorry and bye!
Evan Leibovitch:The Senate hearing mentioned that they needed to hear from end users. The point of the letter is to let them know we exist!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Wow -- this is the first time we're only 11 minutes over time. Taking into account the late start, we're under 10 minutes overtime. Thanks to all of you for this very productive call.
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