Interpretation: No interpretation for this meeting
Standing Agenda Items
1. Follow-up from Singapore, including action items from the At-Large Singapore meetings -- Roll call and apologies – Staff (2 min)
2. Review of AIs from ExCom 11 July and ALAC 26 July meetings – Olivier (20 min)
2. Preparation for AFRALO Summit/GA
2a. Logistics of Summit/GA – Olivier, Tijani (20 min)
Call for organization WG
Number of meetings
Sponsorship if needed
Meeting room requirements
Any other issues
Note: Since it’s Africa and the summer, we'd like to start planning asap. We would like the first call for the WG to occur during the next AFRALO meeting on the 13th.
2b. Content of Summit/GA meetings – Olivier, Tijani (20 min)
3Items for Discussion/Decision
3. Open policy issues – Olivier (10 min)
See At-Large Policy Development page
Issue of IANA FNOI
See: ICANN's comments in response to the IANA Further Notice of Inquiry (FNOI)
4. Update on preparations for AFRALO General Assembly – Tijani (10 min)
5. Any other business – Olivier (5 min)