Standing Agenda Items
1. Review of the ALAC ExCom 22.02.11 Teleconference Action Items of the 9 February ExCom Meeting and the 22 February ALAC Meeting (Olivier) - 5 mins
Click here for all currently open public consultations.
The following currently open public consultations have not been scheduled for comment by the ALAC. What are the next steps the ExCom wishes to take?
- TLG Review – Final Report(ends 24 January 11)
- New Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency Petition and Charter (Extended to 30 January 11)
- Review of IDN ccTLD Fast Track Process(Extended to 31 January 11)
- GNSO Working Group Guidelines(ends 8 February 11)
- Interim Report of the Internationalized Registration Data Working Group (Extended to 14 March 11); If the ExCom wishes to develop a statement on this issue, Steve Sheng of ICANN staff has offered to present on an At-Large Community call.
3.Follow up from ALAC meeting of
22 February 2011 (Olivier) - 35 mins
a. AGAT WG; Proposed Bylaw Amendments as requested by At-Large AGAT WG Workspace\Improvements WT A
b. JAS Charter issue
c. Preparation of At-Large Requests to ICANN's FY12 Budget ( closes 2 February); At-Large FY12 Budget Workspace\
d. ALAC Policy Development for Public Consultation on the Interim Report of the Geo-Regions Review WG (closes 30 January); At-Large Geo-Regions Review Workspace\
e. ALAC Policy Development for Public Consultation on the ATRT Final Recommendations (closes 14 February); At-Large ATRT Review Workspace\
f. At-Large Meetings in San Francisco\ - Additional meetings (including proposal for ALAC/NCUC Town Hall at Stanford) and development of tentative agendas
GAC-Board Meeting - Discussion of ALAC Positions
d. Defining Consumer Choice, Competition and Innovation - Next Steps
e. At-Large Meeting Agendas in San Francisco - Update and Next Steps