1. Review of the Action Items from the 6 January 2011 ExCom Meeting and ALAC Meeting of 25 January 2011 ALAC Meeting.
Action Items from 6 Jan 2011 ExCom Meeting:
c. Preparation of At-Large Requests to ICANN's FY12 Budget (closes 2 February); At-Large FY12 Budget Workspace\
It was decided in the ALAC meeting earlier today that would take the lead on the preparation of the At-Large Requests to ICANN’s FY12 Budget. The At-Large FY12 Budget Workspace\ is very full, so Olivier will likely do this work on a new Confluence page, attached to the Workspace.
d. ALAC Policy Development for Public Consultation on the Interim Report of the Geo-Regions Review WG (closes 30 January); At-Large Geo-Regions Review Workspace\
Each region will have its own view of its region, etc.
e. ALAC Policy Development for Public Consultation on the ATRT Final Recommendations (closes 14 February); At-Large ATRT Review Workspace\
In ALAC meeting earlier today, Cheryl made following comments regarding an ALAC comment on the ATRT Final Recommendations:
f. At-Large Meetings in San Francisco\ - Additional meetings (including proposal for ALAC/NCUC Town Hall at Stanford) and development of tentative agendas
Development of tentative San Francisco agendas:
4. Any Other Business
Today’s Board meeting topics