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  •  Alan Greenberg to determine with ALAC on ALAC Monthly penholder for KSK Rollover PC (currently, Lutz Donnerhacke has volunteered).
  •  Alan Greenberg to determine with ALAC on ALAC Monthly the status on gTLD PC.

    Alan Greenberg requested ALT to comment on FY19 Budget wikispace and contribute to PC process.


    Gisella GruberTerri Agnew and/or Nathalie Peregrine to monitor the use of additional languages over the course of a few months, as ALAC, APRALO, and LACRALO calls will be offered additional language interpretation by the Language Services.


    Alan Greenberg to review the cleaned-up At-Large mailing list database and let Ariel know which mailing lists should retire 


    Cheryl Langdon-Orrleon.sanchezMaureen, and holly.raiche to work on a revised charter of the At-Large new gTLDs Working Group 

  •  leon.sanchez and Alan Greenberg to draft a document reviewing the ALT and the ALAC 
  •  Heidi Ullrich to check with GNSO PDP WG on the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures (Emily, Steve, Julie) whether a webinar can be held to encourage community consultation 
  •  ICANN Evolution WG Support Staff (Heidi Ullrich) to extract relevant sections in the latest SubPro PDP WG newsletter ( and propose to the ALT on a proper format for At-Large distribution 

    Gisella Gruber to ask for confirmation from the ALT whether they could attend the Sat 3 Nov meeting 

  •  Heidi Ullrich / Gisella Gruber to distribute the information of the ALAC development session via the mailing list
  •  Heidi Ullrich to send a reminder on the call for FBSC membership 
  •  Alan Greenberg to remind APRALO and LACRALO Chairs about the call for volunteer for the WT5 liaison position as no one from these two RALOs have volunteered 
  •  Alan Greenberg to review the CROP RT membership criteria and evaluate the potential to name an ad-hoc Chair for the RT, taking Cheryl's opinion into consideration 



  •  Alan Greenberg to determine with ALAC on ALAC Monthly penholder for KSK Rollover PC (currently, Lutz Donnerhacke has volunteered).
  •  Alan Greenberg to determine with ALAC on ALAC Monthly the status on gTLD PC.

    Alan Greenberg requested ALT to comment on FY19 Budget wikispace and contribute to PC process.

  •  Heidi Ullrich and Alan Greenberg to discuss staff's role in doing a first pass on an ALAC statement on certain public comment proceedings
  •  Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to include links to the staff summary report of all public comment proceedings in the At-Large wiki spaces once they are published.
  •  Olivier Crépin-Leblond to follow up on the mailing list regarding ICANN61 slot suggestion for CCWG-IG.
