Alan Greenberg to follow up with vanda on the rationale of drafting a Statement in responses to Proposed Changes to the NCUC Charter; ALT's advice is no statement
- Gisella Gruber to schedule an ALAC meeting in the week of Oct 16, and possibly invite Mark from the GAC to present on the paper on community TLD applications.
- Ariel Liang to update simple arrow chart to make the dates and terminology consistent with the Gantt Charts
- Olivier Crépin-Leblond to inform Christopher Wilkinson about the GDPR meeting in Brussels and see whether he would be interested in attending the meeting in order to report back to the ALAC;
- Alan Greenberg to solicit ALT opinion on what lists to send the call for volunteer message with regard to revitalizing At-Large working groups
Gisella Gruber, Terri Agnew and/or Nathalie Peregrine to monitor the use of additional languages over the course of a few months, as ALAC, APRALO, and LACRALO calls will be offered additional language interpretation by the Language Services.
Alan Greenberg to review the cleaned-up At-Large mailing list database and let Ariel know which mailing lists should retire
Cheryl Langdon-Orr, leon.sanchez, Maureen, and holly.raiche to work on a revised charter of the At-Large new gTLDs Working Group
- leon.sanchez and Alan Greenberg to draft a document reviewing the ALT and the ALAC
- Heidi Ullrich to check with GNSO PDP WG on the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures (Emily, Steve, Julie) whether a webinar can be held to encourage community consultation
- ICANN Evolution WG Support Staff (Heidi Ullrich) to extract relevant sections in the latest SubPro PDP WG newsletter ( and propose to the ALT on a proper format for At-Large distribution
Gisella Gruber to ask for confirmation from the ALT whether they could attend the Sat 3 Nov meeting
- Heidi Ullrich / Gisella Gruber to distribute the information of the ALAC development session via the mailing list
- sebastien.bachollet and yrjo.lansipuro to volunteer drafting a statement on the Enhancing Accountability - Recommendations for Diversity public comment; bastiaan.goslings to do the 'sanity check' after a statement is drafted
- Alan Greenberg to draft a statement on Ombudsman public commentthe Recommendations to Improve ICANN's Office of Ombudsman (IOO), seun.ojedeji to assist, and bastiaan.goslings to do the 'sanity check' after a statement is drafted
- Maureen to review the public comment on the the Recommendations to Improve ICANN Staff Accountability
- bastiaan.goslingsto draft a Statement on jurisdictionthe Recommendations on ICANN Jurisdiction, Tati, erich.schweighofer, and stanley.osao to assist; bastiaan.goslingsto start documenting comments in the comment section on the wiki as he reviews the document
- Alan Greenberg and Cheryl Langdon-Orr to review the Operating Standards for ICANN's Specific Reviews public comment, add notes in the comment section on the wiki
- Ariel Liang to send the public comment on the Operating Standrds Standards for ICANN's Specific Reviews to to relevant At-Large members that participate in previous specific reviews to solicit comments
- Ariel Liang / Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to put sub headings of months corresponding to upcoming public comment in the ALAC/ALT agenda
- Yesim Saglam to contact the Chairs of the remaining three RALOs that have not put forward members for the AASC
- Heidi Ullrich to send a reminder on the call for FBSC membership
- Alan Greenberg to remind APRALO and LACRALO Chairs about the call for volunteer for the WT5 liaison position as no one from these two RALOs have volunteered
- Alan Greenberg to review the CROP RT membership criteria and evaluate the potential to name an ad-hoc Chair for the RT, taking Cheryl's opinion into consideration
- Alan Greenberg to inform the ALAC about the ALT recommendation on selecting mentors/mentees for COP. The RALOs are to nominate people for the COP. The AASC will make their selections and send them to the ALAC for review.
- Ariel Liang to follow up on ICANN standards/rules regarding publishing contact information (email) online
- Alan Greenberg to convene a group on developing criteria/process for NomCom Delegate selection