- Sebastien and Yrjo to volunteer drafting a statement on the Diversity public comment; Bastiaan to do the 'sanity check' after a statement is drafted
- Alan to draft a statement on Ombudsman public comment, Seun to assist, and Bastiaan to do the 'sanity check' after a statement is drafted
- Maureen to review the public comment on the Staff Accountability
- Bastiaan to draft a Statement on jurisdiction, Tatiana and Erich to assist; Bastiaan to start comments in the comment section as he reviews the document
- Alan and Cheryl to review the Operating Standards for ICANN's Specific Reviews public comment, add notes in the comment section on the wiki
- Ariel to send the public comment on the Operating Standrds for ICANN's Specific Reviews to the At-Large members that participate in previous specific reviews to solicit comments
- Ariel / Evin to put sub headings of months corresponding to upcoming public comment in the ALAC/ALT agenda
- Yesim to contact the Chairs of the remaining three RALOs that have not put forward members for the AASC
- Heidi to send a reminder on the call for FBSC membership
- Alan to remind APRALO and LACRALO Chairs about the call for volunteer for the WT5 liaison position as no one from these two RALOs have volunteered
- Alan to review the CROP RT membership criteria and evaluate the potential to name an ad-hoc Chair for the RT, taking Cheryl's opinion into consideration
- Alan to inform the ALAC about the ALT recommendation on selecting mentors/mentees for COP. The RALOs are to nominate people for the COP. The AASC will make their selections and send them to the ALAC for review.
- Ariel to follow up on ICANN standards/rules regarding publishing the contact information (email) online
- Alan to convene a group on developing criteria/process for NomCom Delegate selection
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