See: At-Large Review 2015 - 2019 (Current) Workspace
6. IGF Participation - Alan Greenberg (
5 minutes)
a. Review of Criteria
7. At-Large at ICANN 60 - Alan Greenberg (
35 minutes)
See: ICANN 60 website and ICANN 60 - Abu Dhabi Meeting - Oct-Nov 2017 Workspace
a. Review of At-Large Leadership, ALAC, and ALAC ALT agendas
b. "closed" ALAC strategy meeting (Evan's suggestion) - status
d. Fellowship and Newcomer sessions - Themes and Speakers
i. Fellows
ii. Newcomers - Monday; Maureen and Heidi
e. Social events (Gisella)
f. Overview of Travel and Logistics (Gisella)