Gisella Gruber/ Yesim Saglam/ Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to change the agenda template title from "ALT Mid-Monthly Call" to "ALT Monthly Call"
Cheryl Langdon-Orr to review the public comemnt on the ASO Review
Olivier Crépin-Leblond to review the public comment on the SADAG Report
yrjo.lansipuro to speak with Mark (GAC) about potential agenda items for ALAC-GAC meeting in ICANN60; the Chair of the GAC would be invited to the ALAC session with GAC representatives
Ariel Liang to send an apology on behalf of Alan Greenberg to the SubPro WT5 Co-Chairs and confirm that a name will be forthcoming
Olivier Crépin-Leblond to have 2 min slot on the next ALAC call to present on the CCWG IG Monthly Update
Yesim Saglam to send a Doodle for a call of the Review WP after the monthly ALAC meeting
Ariel Liang to send a message to the WP for a final 24 hour comment period. Then sub-group will focus on final polishing. (commenting right back)
Yesim Saglam to identify the people to be removed/added to various mailing lists post transition of leaders/liaisons. Staff to review the list of transition activities on staff call
Heidi Ullrich to work with Alan/RALO chairs to identify At-Large members to be appointed to various subgroups post transition of leaders/liaisons, etc.
Gisella Gruber, Yesim Saglam, Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to help tidy up the workspace of Working Groups
Gisella Gruber to share with holly.raiche on the potential date/time of capacity building sessions, so that Holly will contact Dave Piscitello (ICANN Staff) to talk about the Dark Web, etc. during APRALO capacity development session
- Gisella Gruber to organize an ALT prep meeting & ALT prep-dinner for ICANN 60, and invite ALAC/Liaisons/RALO leaders to join the APRALO ALS dinner