c. GNSO - Cheryl Langdon-Orr
d. SSAC - Julie Hammer
5. At-Large Review - Status Update and Next Steps - Holly Raiche, Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Alan Greenberg (
25 minutes)
See: At-Large Review: Draft Report Report
- Report on RALO activity
- Timeline over next week.
6.ICANN 58 At-Large Schedule - Identification of Main Topics and Presenters - Alan Greenberg, Léon Sánchez, and Gisella Gruber (
25 minutes)
See: ICANN 58 - Copenhagen Meeting - March 2017
c. Questions to the Board, GAC, GSE and Göran Marby, President and CEO of ICANN
d. ALT Dinner
e. ALT Friday Strategy Session
7. Update on FY18 Additional Budget Requests - Alan Greenberg and Heidi Ullrich (5 minutes)