Recording: EN
Transcript: EN
Standing Agenda Items
1. Roll Call and Apologies – Staff (2 minutes)
6. BCEC and BMSPC - Status Update and Next Steps - Julie Hammer and Tijani Ben Jemaa (5 minutes)
FY18 Additional Budget Requests - Proposals from the ALAC - Alan Greenberg and
Heidi Ullrich (
15 minutes)
ICANN 58 At-Large Schedule - Identification of Main Topics and Presenters - Alan Greenberg, Léon Sánchez and Gisella Gruber (20 minutes)
a. What worked well, what could be improvedMain ALAC Topics
b. Review of ALAC Action Items and ALT Action Items from ICANN 57
c. gTLD WG
9. ALS Expectations - Form drafting team - Alan Greenberg (5 minutes)
10. Upcoming new groups - Alan Greenberg (5 minutes)
a. CCWG-Auctions
Groups and Presenters - Who would like the ALAC like to meet with?
c. Outreach and Engagement Plans
d. ALT Meeting on Friday, 17 March
9. Personnel discussion - In Camera - Alan Greenberg (10 minutes)