On 22 April 2014, a Request for Proposal was issued to find an independent examiner for the GNSO Review 2014.
The independent examiner may use the following methods to gather information:
Once the independent examiner collects sufficient information and formulates his/her analysis and preliminary findings, he/she will engage with the GNSO to validate the accuracy and completeness of findings and the usefulness and feasibility of draft recommendations. The Draft Report, reflecting clarification and responses from the GNSO, will be published for public comment. The report will be updated to reflect public comments and published in its final form. The final report, along with public comments, will be considered by the Board. After the Board takes action and accepts the report, the implementation phase will begin.
Scope of Work (from the published RFP)
The objective of the RFP is to identify an independent reviewer to conduct an examination of the GNSO’s organizational effectiveness in accordance with the ICANN-provided objective and quantifiable criteria, to take place from 1 July 2014 through 15 January 2015.
Note that the assessment of whether or not the GNSO has an ongoing purpose will not be considered as part of the current review.
The work methods are expected to include the following:
• Examination of documentation, records and reports.
• Outcomes from the 360 Assessment, an online mechanism to collect and summarize feedback from members of the GNSO structure, interested members from ICANN community and other structures, members of the Board and staff.
• Integration of Assessments of the Second Accountability and Transparency Review Team – see Appendix A of the Second Accountability and Transparency Review Team Report and Recommendations.
• Limited interviews, if needed.
ICANN will supply the criteria to be used in conducting the GNSO Review; these criteria include but are not limited to the following areas, to be applied to GNSO structure components (GNSO Council, GNSO Working Groups, GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies):
• Achievement of mission, compliance with agreed upon rules and processes
• Accountability and transparency to the public
• Membership processes and participation
• Structural support toward achievement of mission
• Governance and management: effectiveness of execution
• Quality and evaluation/measurement of outcomes
• Communication
• Effectiveness of implementation of prior review recommendations
Key Dates
For more information on key dates for the GNSO Review, see their Activities, Milestones and Statistics workspace.
Key Documents
Final Report of Independent Examiner