September 2014
Monthly activities in September were focused on a number of follow-ups and the preparation of the next ICANN meeting, which will take place in October of this year in Los Angeles. The participation in the ICANN Academy at ICANN 51 was underlined.
The follow-up of the implementation of the ATLAS II recommendations and closer cooperation between At-Large and the Board on the issue has entered its active phase.
The interesting feedback from ICANN Studienkreis meeting was noted. Discussions took place concerning the intervention of Mr Fadi Chéhadé during the second day of the above-mentioned event and also covered the NetMundial Initiative meeting in Geneva.
September was also the month of the follow-up on the outcomes of the IGF and the participation of At-Large members in a number of workshops and side events.
It is important to underline that the first preparatory meeting of EuroDIG 2015, which will take place in Sofia, was organised.
The new ALAC Leadership, Alan Greenberg, was introduced to the community and EURALO offers to Alan its warm congratulations for this nomination.
The Action Plan for EURALO 2015 is now open for comments and will be presented during the month of November - December of this year.
July - August 2014
Monthly activities in July and August were limited due to the summer break. At the same time, the events organized during this period were rich. The main concern was the follow-up to the ICANN 50 meeting and the ATLAS II Declaration implementation process.
The importance of such events like the European Summer School on Internet Governance (EuroSSIG) which will soon celebrate its 10th anniversary and which is the hub for new Internet Governance leaders- and the ICANN Studienkreis meeting, which was also organised in Sofia, Bulgaria, during July-August needs to be underlined.
The month of July was concentrated on the results from EuroDIG event, which took place in June in Berlin. The end of August was dedicated to the preparation of IGF meeting, which will take place in September in Istanbul, and the participation of EURALO ALSes in it.
June 2014
Monthly activities in June were focused on a number of important events in Europe in the field of Internet Governance.
One of them was the European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG), organised in Berlin. Due to the success of the CROPP applications, five candidates represented EURALO in Berlin and engaged with potential future members of EURALO and other stakeholders around ICANN and EURALO roles and activities. They assumed outreach activities on behalf of EURALO.
ICANN 50 and EURALO GA were another important events. 80% of EURALO members attended the GA held during the ICANN 50 and participated in ICANN debates, as well as the ATLAS II Summit at ICANN 50.
During the EURALO GA a number of issues were discussed and presented to the members, including the targets achieved since the Lisbon GA in 2013, successful EURALO representation at different levels (ICANN Board, NomCom, At-Large Multistakeholder Award for Avri Doria) and the success with the main projects (EuroDIG and the ICANN Academy). The issue of better engagement of the EURALO ALSes was underlined and the need for a strategy on better outreach was discussed. The new Vice-President for Europe, Jean-Jacques Sahel, was presented to the stakeholders and stressed the need to reinforce the European Engagement Strategy.
During the ATLAS II Summit at ICANN 50 there were many EURALO representatives. The ATLAS II Statement to the Multistakeholder Community was one of the successes of the Summit.
May 2014
Monthly activities in May were focused on active preparation of the ATLAS II Summit, which will take place during the ICANN 50 in June of this year in London.