Monthly activities in May were focused on active preparation of the ATLAS II Summit, which will take place during the ICANN 50 in June of this year in London.
The main concern was the participation of EURALO ALSes in the Sub-Committee working groups and the preparation of the summit agenda. EURALO activities were focused on the preparation of the General Assembly, which will be organised during the ATLAS II Summit and the agenda points to be proposed as a part of the GA. Agenda points have to be proposed by EURALO ALS and will be integrated in the agenda, to be discussed with ALSes representatives together with the Board Report and the EURALO strategy for 2014-2015.
The participation of the new ICANN Vice-President for Europe, Mr Jean-Jacques Sahel, in the EURALO GA was acknowledged and we would like to welcome Jean-Jacques.
The month of May also saw work devoted to ALAC Social Media Strategy and implementing its action points for ATLAS II.
Among other issues were the follow-up to CROPP procedure for Europe region, the upcoming EuroDIG event in June in Berlin and the participation of EURALO members in it, as well as the participation in the ICANN Working Group on Accountability and the preparation of the MoU to be proposed for signature between RIPPE NCC and EURALO.
April 2014
During the month of April, EURALO activities were actively focused on the follow-up to the post-ICANN Singapore achievements and the results of the selection of the candidate for Board 15.
Another point of discussion was the upcoming NetMundial event and the participation of EURALO members in it, together with EURALO concerns and priorities to be delivered and discussed during the aforementioned meeting. The follow-up to the NetMundial recommendation dominated EURALO activity at the end of the month.