February 2014
The month of February was mainly dedicated to commencing the implementation of items defined by the 2014 Action plan.
Monthly activities were concentrated on the preparation of the submission form for the CROPP programme for the agreed five candidates from Europe, which was carried out by the CROPP review team members.
Alongside the CROPP submission process, another important point was the participation of EURALO in the designing the budget for the 2015 fiscal year and the preparation of EURALO requests, which was completed on schedule. This point was of great importance in light of the uncertain future of the CROPP programme, which may be discontinued next year.
Another important item was the preparation process for the ATLAS II Summit, which will take place in Europe, London, in June 2014 and the improved participation of European ALSes in the Working Groups formed to prepare for the event.
The selection process of candidates for Board Seat 15 continued. Two European names presented as candidates for the above mandate are: Sébastien Bachollet and Jean-Jacques Subrenat.
The participation of ALSes in EuroDIG later this year was underlined, the first outline of the programme, together with a newly created wiki space is now available online –see:
It is important to mention the official support EURALO brought to the International Action Day (The day we fight back), which took place on the 11th of February.