9.5.1 The members of the Board shall be elected by the General Assembly for a period of up to two years, such term beginning with at the date of electionclose of the ICANN Annual General Meeting, renewable at the pleasure of the General Assembly, for not more than two consecutive terms. The election of the board members shall be held in conjunction with that of the ALAC Representative and the Chair and Vice-Chair.
9.5.2 The first election after adoption of these Bylaws shall elect one-half of the members of the Board for one year, and the other half for two years.
9.6.4 The term of office of the Chair, and of the Vice-Chair, shall start at the close of the ICANN Annual General Assembly and last for two years from the date of their election.
9.6.5 The Board may create additional officer positions as may be required from time to time.