2. Review of the Action Items from the 20 November
2 Two weeks ago we put posted the document drafted by Yrjö. I have not seen any comments.
2 AIS:
Draft incorporated the two comments I have received (Manuel and Roberto) and forwarded the draft to At-Large Staff. Draft letter from our side has been submitted to the ALAC for further consideration, comments and approval.
2 AIS:
Heidi mentioned she would contact an EURALO ALS, and she contacted
Breda Kutin at the Slovene Consumers Association, and she may come to the Lisbon GA.
Briefing on current ALAC consultations and initiatives
1. Heidi read out the PCs.
OCL: Thanked all the people who held the pen on all of these statements.
c. Currently Open Public Comments
ALAC Demarched Demarche to ICANN.
Wolf asked OCL if there is anything he would like to emphasize.
Wolf mentioned that it is a success that we submitted this ALAC submitted more statements again – this year we will exceed 50 statements. This is an impressive result.
OCL: The quality of the statements are very good, I have received positive feedback from many constituencies in ICANN, with praise for the usefulness of the statement.
Briefing from the WCIT in Dubai - OCL
I Prior to this meeting, Wolf circulated an article by Wolfgang Kleinwachter
We had Nigel present locally and he was of great help, several people from other RALO’s were present (Wolfgang, Bill, Avri) and this was a good back channel.
55 countries have not signed but others signed. The only thing is that they are binding to a great extent. It is up to the member countries who ratify them then to define to what an extend they are binding or not. Some countries signed and reserved the right not to be bound. It is 2 years until the ITRs come into effect and until then there will be the ITU Plenipotentiary and time will tell.
6. EURALO planning 2013 -- draft master plan and discussion (20 min. / Wolf and all)
We have a first draft of a Master Plan and I ask participants to asked participants at our last call to have a look at the plan. We have preliminary budget estimation, this is a consolidated version. It gives us a rough idea on the particular estimations in Euro and dollars. The ICANN constituency travel has a much higher estimation.
I would like to update the Master Plan and the Budget calculation, and adopt the circular mail. I will send it to inform our members - as a first announcement - at a very early stage and send it as soon as possible.ask for early confirmations to list Lisbon participants ASAP.
Budget has 2 scenarios of participation: 80% participation and 60%.
Outreach should also be included in our consideration for planning and budgeting.
Wolf: Mobilization of the ALS for the GA is crucial and should be supported by some focal points listed.
According to my experience the emails sometimes are not followed on. To mobilize people, the most effective is a direct approach. We should consider this an organizing team.
Wolf mentioned some people of the ALS to support or focal points in the preparation of the GA. My suggestion would be to adopt tonight the master plan, preliminary budget and the draft circular mail to approve the planning steps, because this their implementation is the most difficult part to be followed by direct contact by the ALS.
Suitable Hotel rooms - Sandra and I will be in Lisbon at the end of January so we can see the venue, rooms, etc. We have a special offer.
The Besides the "technical" organization of the GA and agenda, the most important is the social component – remobilizing and better including them in EURALO again. Each of our members should come and join us in Lisbon.
Oksana : About asked about individual participants? What are the conditions for funding?
Sebastian offered to help with teh the French organizations and ISOC Italy.
Wolf asked Yro Yrjo if he was willling to take over the ISOC Chapters what he confirmed.
Oksana confirmed also her support.
The master plan gives us rough orientation, is a planning instrument .Approved and was approved by all in the call.
Circular letter is a first announcement. It is the basis or references and prepares the grounds for follow upup – approved.
Heidi: Asked about whether the people who are collecting pushing the ALS, will they be an Organizing Committee.?
Wolf: I would like to use every monthly call. This group is more-less the reference of the organizing committee.
I would like the GA organized in 2 parts. : a) a formal one with "regular" issues and elections and for b) I would like to have more content/substance on the agenda. How we can encourage better participation on the Agendaat EURALO, obstacles, concerns or incentives needed?. I would like to ask participants what their ideas are, suggestions, etc. This is must be an inclusive approach.
We should have a draft agenda by the end of April.
Yrjo: Is it right that 1 rep for per ALS will be funded?
Yes, it was the case for the previous GAGAs (Paris and Mexico-City).
7. Any other Business (All) (5 min.)