- EURALO members took part in the2009 IGF in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. Number of ICANN related issues have been discussed during the meeting, feedback will follow from the participants.
- EURALO Leaflet has been finalized and printed. The leaflet has been developed as additional material, representative for the regional specifics and activities and is intended to be used together with the At-Large brochure and is aimed at motivating target organizations in joining EURALO. EURALO brochure is availabe for the other regions to modify and reuse at: https://st.icann.org/euralo/index.cgi?euralo_flyer.
- In November Europe and the whole world celebrated the 20th Anniversary of fall of Berlin wall and the following democratic processes in the former Eastern block. Heise.de published an article on the topic by the NomCom's Chair Wolfgang Kleinwaechterhttp://www.heise.de/tp/r4/artikel/31/31019/1.html