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Wolf Ludwig:                          And I'm pleased have to from the Staff side, Gisella, Heidi on the call.  Then from other participants, Avri, Olivier, Sandra, Sebastien, Yrjo, welcome to everyone.  First of all let me take the opportunity to wish all of you an excellent and most happy New Year.  I guess among the apologies I have to mention Oksana, Manuel and Lutz Donnerhacke so far.  Both of them told us they had other calls or meetings this evening. 

Oksana is on the way from here to Stockholm and she wasn’t sure whether she would arrive in time at her hotel to send us a dial out number.  I guess she won't make it for tonight's call and we can note her under the apologies for this call.  As you see we have small conversation to tonight but it's not surprising to me according to season or time of the year.  And if you have a look on the agenda I think it's not the most exciting agenda we had so far over the last couple of months. 

Let me begin with our first agenda item, Roll Call and Apologies, which we have crossed through already.  The second point is review of action items.  If you have a look on this, we noted at our last call at the end of December, point one ICANN [inaudible 00:02:54] in August, Sandra to work with Silvia to post details of this event on the EURALO Regional Events Wiki.  The student concepts site is not yet updated because Sandra had plenty of other commitments over the last weeks. 

Regarding EuroDIG and many other things but we know the date in between this is end of August and it will be in Onslow.  We will come back to this point later in this call.  For the second agenda item we will raise this again under the subsequent agenda items of today.  Action Item 3 was Wolf to circulate first regional events to the EURALO list and ask for further input.  That was done immediately after our last call and Wolf [inaudible 00:04:15] confirm the date and time of the next [inaudible 00:04:17] and Wolf to check date and details of the Wiki Media Chapters meeting in Berlin.  

That is still pending because Manuel couldn’t submit any further details to me so far.  Any questions regarding action items from our last call?  I have to check in the Adobe Connect and I don’t see any hands raised in the Adobe Connect so let me continue with a short remark.  We are working with Silvia to keep action items etc recorded and to reinstall what we had before on a regular basis.  The third point is as usual briefing on current ALAC consultations and initiatives.   

And as you have seen we have five subpoints here and I give the floor to Olivier who will give us a summary on the current consultation point.  Olivier you have the floor please.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Thank you very much Wolf.  Right well we had a number of public comments to answer to this past month.  The most recent one was the draft ALAC statement on the Preliminary GNSO Issue Report on the Registrar Accreditation Agreement Amendments.   And so that statement was carefully drafted by Carlton Samuels, Alan Greenberg and Holly Raiche.  And was submitted and a vote as sent underway.  I believe the vote is completed.  I don’t know if we have the final numbers for the vote.

Heidi Ullrich:                          Matt do we have an update on that?

Matt Ashtiani:                                    Sorry can you repeat the question please?

Heidi Ullrich:                          Yes the status of the vote on the ALAC RAA statement?

Matt Ashtiani:                                    I believe it closes Friday.

Heidi Ullrich:                          Okay so we have a ways to go.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          It's closing this Friday, okay fantastic.  For those of you who are on the ALAC and have not voted, please have a good look at this and cast your vote.  That’s the first one.   The other three that are in the public comments at the moment are still open.  The first one is the draft ALAC statement on the IDN Variant Issues Project Draft Integrated Issues Report.  Comments are accepted until 20 February but in fact, we are closing on comments a little bit earlier.  I understand here that reading the actual page that it points to a draft was written.  There are some comments already.  I urge you all to have a read through the draft.  This was done or written originally by Edmond Chung who is our IDN liaison. 

Read through the draft, put your comments in there and by the 20th, the end of the week, those comments will then be put into the draft and be filed.  The closing date for the overall comment period on this is 30 January.  But we’re hoping to be able to conduct the ALAC vote before we submit the statement in.  The next one is the initial report on the Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs, again because it deals with IDNs we asked Edmond Chung to propose a first draft.  I think that he might be looking at this working with perhaps Sala but as soon as a draft comes out you will see on the email the announce list that there will be a call for comments and I urge all of you to comment on this. 

And then finally the WHOIS Policy Review Team Draft Report, this is quite a large report which was drafted and this is why there is a long comment period until 18 March.  It's not something we need to deal with right away.  But I urge everyone on the call to spend time reading the report over time so that we actually have something to say about it.  WHOIS is particularly important and it's a subject whom you might have seen as highly contested within At-Large.  Some are for more information in WHOIS and some for less; it's quite a strong point for EURALO to be able to provide comments on.  Thank you Wolf, any questions?

Wolf Ludwig:                          I see a hand raised from Avri, Avri you have the floor please.

Avri Doria:                              Okay thanks.  I actually am not asking a question about what's on your list.  I wanted to mention something that is not on the list.   I don’t know if people remember but the IRTPC that the interregistrar transfer of domain names between registrars, Group C has both sent to ALAC a request for comments on the issues report, so as Co-Chair of that group, and I'm speaking largely as Co-Chair of that group, we’re hoping to get some response back.  Now I understand that the issues in IRTPC may be esoteric.  And people may not know what the viewpoint is, in which case I might recommend that people take a look at the synthesis. 

And I've put the - that came out of the comments that we received in the comment review period which ended and we only received one stakeholder group constituency statement so far even though we sent out invitations.  And if you look at that you may find that you have a meta issue in that very often the registries in their comment on this say “We defer to the good decisions of the registrars.” 

I'm just recommending as Co-Chair of that group that people may want to take a second look whether it's an At-Large statement, an ALAC statement, a EURALO statement, individual statement; I just basically want to invite people to take a look if not at the IRTPC Issues Report, at least at the summary of responses to the IRT Issue Report. 

And what it basically boils down to is the registrars have customer service.  They know what's important to their customers and such.  Certainly it was mentioned in a meeting today that they're worried about trying to get too much noncontracted party answers because that will just come from the industrial registrants and not from the users and in fact a specific mention was made in the meeting today by [Michalin Delancy].  It would be really good to get some understanding from the user community, At-Large what they think about these issues. 

Not a time to do it now, but if at any point people do want me to give sort of a thumbnail sketch of what's involved in IRTPC, I can.  But please don’t ignore the fact that a lot of people in contacted parties are saying “Hey as long as our friends on the other side of the contracted party aisle go with their [inaudible 00:12:43], we’re cool.”  Thanks.    

Wolf Ludwig:                          Thank you Avri for your explanations.  I have seen Olivier’s hand raised and lowered in between.  I would like to ask Olivier do you have any comments on this?

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          No thanks Wolf I was just trying to put my hand down and pressing the wrong button, sorry.

Wolf Ludwig:                          Okay no problem.  Any further questions from other participants on the call? 

Heidi Ullrich:                          I would just like to let everyone know that I put into the Adobe Connect room chat that in about two weeks there will be a WHOIS briefing call for all of At-Large that will discuss the WHOIS Review Team Final Report that is open for comment right now.  That will be a good way for you to be introduced to WHOIS if you're not that familiar with it, as there will be an introduction to WHOIS and then go into the details of the WHOIS Review Team Final Report, thank you.

Wolf Ludwig:                          Okay thank you Heidi any further questions?  Comments?  This doesn’t seem to be the case.  Let me continue.  Olivier you have finished all your summary for agenda Item 3?

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          No thanks Wolf I have finished, thank you very much.

Wolf Ludwig:                          Okay right, then the next item we have is 4-Briefing on ICANN Academy Working Group process.  As you may recall we gave a first short summary at our last call on the constitution of this new working group.  And the first call we had before Christmas and there have been some other points, aspects communicated, sent by the list over the Christmas also seasonal break regarding budget and curriculum.  And I give the floor to Sandra to give us a short summary on the continued process regarding this working group, Sandra please.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Thank you Wolf.  As you mentioned already we had two calls on with the entire working group and another one with a so-called program committee.   Whilst the name program committee may be a little bit irritating of course the committee is not about to draft a program but it's rather to be sort of a core team for this working group because it's a quite large working group.  The things which have to be discussed at first was about the budget because the budget timeline to be submitted to ICANN is approaching soon.  Knowing it would have been better to discuss other things in details before discussing the budget, we had to do it the other way around.  

However, a new budget proposal, new in regard to the one who was proposed and published in August 2011 is online.  It is very much skrinked compared to the very first proposal taking into consideration that a lot of work can be done on a voluntary basis by the ICANN community.  Still this is a draft budget proposal.  We are still working on approval from the working group and I hope this will be done in the next two days.  About the curriculum, Avri already proposed a sort of curriculum to work on and I engaged the group to form a subgroup to work on the curriculum taking into account all these academic experts in our group to be included. 

Another side note, I realize that there is still a lot of discussion going on if this so called ICANN Academy should be a wider approach including also online webinars and things like this.  We spent a lot of time explaining again and again that this proposal is only focusing on a face to face meeting, not on any online training or other capacity building programs. Because there are capacity building programs are already in place and could be developed.   This is not the task of the working group.  I think is problem sometimes of the language diversity that documents are not entirely read or that the message does not come through.  

There might be, for all those who are interested in this project and are on the working group mailing list already, there are still some discussions going on about should this ICANN Academy be a wider approach than only a 20-hour face to face meeting in conjunction with an ICANN meeting.  But still the task was formulated very clear, that we are only talking about a 20-hour lecture training.  Are there any questions? 

Wolf Ludwig:                          Thanks I see just Oksana who joined our call in the time between.  But I see a hand raised by Olivier.  Olivier you have the floor I guess this is a response or a question to Sandra.  Olivier you have the floor.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Thanks very much Wolf.  I just wanted to add one more thing which was that a little later tonight Sandra and I will have a call with ICANN staff with regard to the budget and to develop the actual costings with ICANN’s meeting staff as well.  So that’s the next stage to get better ideas about what the numbers are.  After that once this proposed budget is put together that can be passed on the Finance and Budget Subcommittee, the ALAC Finance and Budget Subcommittee will then transmit it over to ICANN staff and into the budget process.  There is still a little bit of work to do but it's in good progress, thank you.  

Wolf Ludwig:                          Thanks a lot Olivier, any further questions regarding our agenda Item 4, ICANN Academy and Sandra's explanations? 

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Wolf?

Wolf Ludwig:                          Yes?

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Let me still allow me to make another remark.  Whist discussing how far an ICANN Academy should go, what it should include it was also discussed among the program committee if it should keep the term ‘ICANN Academy’ for a 20-hour training course or if we should shift to another term.  Finally the program committee decided to keep that term because it raised already some kind of attention within the ICANN community.  But still also taking into consideration what other At-Large members are keeping telling me for the future we should all think about how to harmonize the different capacity building efforts within ICANN including the Newcomers Program, the Fellowship Program, the webinars and everything. 

The lecture materials should be harmonized.  It should be a follow-up on each other.  So if you participated in one, you won't get sort of a different knowledge in the other course.  And I think this is a longer term focus which could be or which should be kept by the At-Large community, thank you.

Wolf Ludwig:                          Thanks a lot Sandra.  Perhaps if you allow me an additional command on this interesting process of the ICANN Academy project proposal development I followed certain responses on the working group mailing list and it's my impression for the time being that there are certain ideas to have something like an Academy proposal being perfect from the very moment and to make it as large as possible, etc.

And to include as many education tools, new media, etc into it and some people may have forgotten that we clearly said at the very beginning that we will concentrate our efforts on Point B of the proposal to develop a first tool, a first curriculum for the newcomers comprising all ICANN constituencies and it's brought us in the At-Large community and this first approach cannot serve all interests or all needs at the very same time.  We have to first come up with a very good pilot project to be started as soon as possible. 

If you can make it for the ICANN Toronto meeting in autumn it would be great.  But it will be very difficult and I don’t - I really admire Sandra for this tremendous job to include all the conflicting interests at the moment and regarding some very short deadlines for the working group.  But I think it's very good progress and Avri submitted already some good proposals set up for curriculum and I'm really pleased that this project is on a very good way.  I see Sebastien's hand raised.  Sebastien welcome and you have the floor.

Sebastien Bachollet:                Yes thank you very much.  Just to tell you one thing, it's one of the subjects and as the Public Participation Committee all these kinds of fellowship or newcomers and so on and so forth.  But in fact, I have one question; do you think that it's a subject you would like to discuss with the Public Participation Committee members during the meeting in Costa Rica?  Because we - I have to work on what would be the subject of a description with the Public Participation Committee with the community and I was thinking that it could be a good - one of the ICANN possible.

Wolf Ludwig:                          I give this question back to the Chair of the working group, Sandra what do you think?

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Thank you Wolf.  Sebastien we are in close cooperation with ICANN staff and we already thought about including some sort of public participation.  And Heidi who was on the call as well she might help me, in which group are we scheduled now?  Or where are we supposed to meet other ICANN community members?  Heidi can you please help?

Heidi Ullrich:                          Yes, in terms of the Academy that was left undecided during the last meeting.  It was going to be discussed further in the next working group meeting.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay so I think Sebastien's comment is fitting very much in this idea to have some sort of wider inclusiveness within the ICANN community.  However this is going to be organized in which group and in which manner some sort of public participation will take place.

Wolf Ludwig:                          Well I think it's basically a good idea to have or foresee such a meeting at Costa Rica but I think we have to leave it up to Sandra as the working group chair and staff to arrange as necessary.  I see Bill’s hand raised in the Adobe Connect, Bill you have the floor.

Bill Drake:                               Thanks Wolf.  I would just reinforce the point that at this point it would make sense to do some preliminary outreach.  There are a lot of people that don’t know about this or who are hearing about this in bits and pieces.  And some of them are wondering why they're being pursued and they might perceive it in a fragmentary way where some of the folks who would be natural allies and participants are not aware of it. 

If one looks in particular in the GNSO [inaudible 00:29:30] certainly in [inaudible 00:29:32] for example, we have many academics who teach and write about the issues who would be obviously capable to participate effectively in shaping the program and offering sessions.  And when I told some of them that there was this thing going on in ALAC they were kind of like “Why don’t we know about this, etc?” which is of course just the usual we all have many different kinds of sandboxes in ICANN and we are all busy. 

But okay now it's time to reach out to the other people and also on the industry side there would be a lot o people I think in the various council stakeholder groups as well in ccNSO and so on who would want to give advice.  I think it's probably getting to the point where this is just dated enough that it would be sensible that if you could devise a kind of a first initial framework that’s fairly plausible to take it public and get some feedback from people.  I think it would be a good idea.

Wolf Ludwig:                          Thanks a lot Bill.  Let me spontaneously respond to your motion.  I think this was in our mind already but it was decided in Dakar to create an ALAC working group at the first level because it as an ALAC initiative.  And once there is something consolidated coming out from the At-Large working group then we will of course consult other constituencies like the NCUC and other circles.  And we have received also other declarations of interest to participate and contribute even from the GAC level and we said for the time being we will also due to the lack of time we have for a longer discussion to concentrate on the At-Large level and to come up with something very consolidated and send it out to the constituencies. 

This is my first reaction so far to your valuable comment and I have Avri and Olivier who raised their hand.  First Avri and then Olivier. 

Avri Doria:                              Okay thanks and I don’t know if you called on me before but if you did I dropped my phone and that’s why I wouldn’t have been there.  I actually wanted to comment on Sebastien's point.  I think that if there is any thought of looking at the possibility of taking this to a wider program to just not be intro 20-hours that we have been restricted to at this point, then I think that is definitely the place to start having that conversation on whether there is support for this getting to be a bigger more educational thing, a wider spread as opposed to just the leadership that we've been focused on now.  I think that’s a good idea. 

In terms of Bill’s issue I know Bill has brought this up several times before and certainly Bill as a member of EURALO, ALAC, At-Large, etc has been multiple times told “Yes you want to participate please do.”  That’s the only thing I would add to what Wolf already answered in response to that is - I'm speaking as one of the multitude of assistance to the group and that would be great and so thanks.

Wolf Ludwig:                          Okay thanks a lot Avri for these additional remarks and it's Olivier who has the floor now.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Thank you very much Wolf.  I was going to comment quickly on two things.  first as Sebastien mentioned, I think there certainly is unfortunately for widening the program somehow, the concern really now I think is that the Academy has to be fully designed and it could be operational for the Toronto meeting which is what we’re aiming for as a first test, if you want, a test case.  And so really we do have to focus specifically on the original design for the Toronto - well for it to be ready, if it's ever going to be ready by the Toronto meeting.  That’s one concern and time is of the essence of course. 

The second statement is the one from Bill and I wholeheartedly agree with Bill that this has to be, the discussion has to be widened to all of the ICANN SOs and ACs and in fact there has been some discussion with the SO and AC level Chair because the Academy was mentioned by Kurt Pritz during one of the calls for further outreach that ICANN now wishes to do as part of a bigger plan on outreach.  Ever since that was mentioned I have received a lot of correspondence from various parts of ICANN asking for more information and saying “Look when can we get involved?” 

The problem that we are faced with at the moment and we as in here, in taking off my Chair hat and I'm coming in as a working group participant, the working group had to put together a budget as soon as possible because of the deadlines for Fiscal Year ’13 budget requests.  It hasn’t had very much chance to draw a clear root or a clear road if you want, for this to say “Okay this is when we’re going to bring participants from outside.  This is where we’re going to collect information, collect feedback from everyone.  But I understand this is eminent. 

The first hurdle that needs to be passed is the budget hurdle that will hopefully be done by the end of the week.  And then after that I have full understanding that Sandra will start working with a working group to see when the rest of ICANN can contribute and come into this.  There is a plan by the way to have a cross community meeting that will take place in Costa Rica.  Really that probably is the first goal for the working group.  but certainly I would fully support the involvement of the rest of ICANN, other SOs and ACs prior to Costa Rica.  Thank you.

Wolf Ludwig:                          Thanks a lot Olivier for your additional information and comments.  I think we are now running a bit short of time and I would like to conclude, for today at least, this discussion.  If there are no urgent questions or comments to be raised on our agenda Item 4, Briefing on ICANN Academy, I can promise we will reschedule this for our next call in February and you will get some more information from Sandra and others who are actively involved from this group, by the way, Avri and me. 

If there are no further urgent questions let me continue with agenda Item 5 what is just a very short briefing or a hint on the new EURALO outreach tools we created over the seasonal holidays.  We have a new LinkedIn group and we have a new Facebook group.  And I tried to spread the word via my respective contacts.  And I'm amazed that there are already quite a bit of members who are following or who signed in and I would like to encourage you to use this as an additional communication channel for EURALO. 

And as I can see staff has added another link on the At-Large Outreach Wiki page where you can find quite a number of respective links and information.  Any further questions regarding this agenda Item 5?  I see no hands raised therefore let me continue with the agenda Item 6 briefing on the EuroDIG January prep meeting in Stockholm.  What will start tomorrow as I mentioned already in my introduction and I give Sandra three minutes to give us a short summary on this and also what may be interesting you can see on the EuroDIG website.  Sandra you have the floor.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Thank you Wolf.  Well the next two days, the first meeting is scheduled in Stockholm.  This was keeping track on the idea that we had a similar planning meeting in 2010 in Madrid which worked very well and was also to compose a first program for the EuroDIG in 2012.  And the first day will be dealing with more or less logistical and technical things, visiting the conference center, agreeing about communication tools to get registration process.  And this will be more or less among the core group. 

On the second day we meet at our hosts place, at the Swedish Telecommunication Authority and we will there discuss and we will also offer remote participation to submitted proposals we received almost 70 proposals in the submission period from beginning of November until mid of January.  And we compiled all the proposals.  They are published at the website as well.  You can have a look at it.  And we will then discuss the proposals, agree on the plenaries and the workshops to be held, follow-up on this draft agenda during the IGF meeting in Geneva in February and in between we will publish a draft preliminary program on the website for open for public comments. 

We will also brainstorm how to improve the dialog compliment within EuroDIG to make it even more dialog than a speaker session.  And in the second part of the preparation meeting on Thursday we will also think about how to approach target groups and what will be the next step for program consultation, etc.  Everyone interested is invited to look at the materials at the website  Or you will also find a remote participation details where you can easily dial in on the second day from 11 to 5 Central European Time to discuss and consulate the program.  Thank you Wolf.

Wolf Ludwig:                          Thanks a lot for this quick summary Sandra and it will be an exciting event with all the magnificent proposals.  We received almost 70 so it is quite a challenge to bring it down to a [inaudible 00:43:23] and first draft of a program and outline with [inaudible 00:43:32] chapter and etc.  This will be one of the most urgent steps and it's also kind of a political priority.  EuroDIG is not year to year repetition and more of the same from last year but we really have to pinpoint the most relevant and forthcoming political discussions. 

Okay we will keep you informed on the EuroDIG agenda development as well.  It’s only a next step which is open and inclusive for other comments.  Let me come to our agenda Item 7 EURALO Planning 2012.  Continued discussion as you may recall from our last call we started already a first outline of ideas of events for 2012.  We put them on the EURALO list asking for further ideas and comments. 

Most probably due to seasonal circumstances there was not too much feedback on the list.  And in the meantime we get some further clarification about the funding situation Fiscal Year 2011-2012.  What concerns [inaudible 00:45:30] in the first part, the first half of the year and which brings some consequences for our next six months planning. 

As you may recall from the last call we shortly discussed having EURALO general assembly and probably a showcase in line with the next upcoming European ICANN meeting in Prague at the end of June.  But as there are no funds, no money, and no support available for EURALO, for several reasons in the current Fiscal Year 2011-2012 we have to forget about this aspect of our planning because we cannot get any face to face general assembly funded for the Prague ICANN meeting. 

In the time between we have to shift our priorities to other concept or to other planning.  As we cannot do a face to face event general assembly in Prague I would like to suggest as a suggestion from my side, what needs to be discussed to do it like we did in the year before, to have the next general assembly in line with the June EuroDIG in Stockholm and concentrate our general assembly planning in this one because it will be two days again and there is a higher probability that some of our members even without funding will or can make it to Stockholm to the EuroDIG what wouldn’t be the case foreseeably for the Prague ICANN meeting 10 days later. 

This is so far just a suggestion from my side and we can enter into the discussion afterwards.  Just for your information there is another context of EURALO activities, the European Summer School on Internet Governance, always at the end of July in [inaudible 00:48:18] in Germany.  What is another opportunity to meet and then there will be what was confirmed by [inaudible 00:48:26] between the next ICANN [inaudible 00:48:29] meetings 23 and 24 of August in Onslow. 

Besides other upcoming events and outreach opportunities like the next [inaudible 00:48:42] event beginning of May in Berlin.  For all the people that do not know the [Pooblika] it is almost kind of a success story like EuroDIG.  It's a German project.  It's a German net policy event of theirs including almost 4,000 participants in-between and just a short side remark.  The Pooblika is an idea and was organization by [inaudible 00:49:23] who is a member of one of our German ALSs, [inaudible 00:49:28] and this Pooblika is really an outreach opportunity, one of the best but we will see and we will discuss how we can make it possible to participate at this event as well. 

The next point is related to agenda Item 8, EURALO proposals for ICANN Fiscal Year Planning 2012-2013.  I had long exchanges and we had a call, Olivier, Heidi, Silvia and I last Friday on options of this subsequent Fiscal Year planning.  And this will start in July, this year for the second half of the upcoming year.  And you are encouraged to submit proposals to have at least, to receive at least some funding for the second part of our 2012 activities and we suggested having some kind of scholarships for the ICANN Studienkreis meeting end of August in Onslow and to request some funding EURALO general assembly in the year 2013 where what is already some time to go. 

But this would be an option that we followed up in line with the EuroDIG event 2013 wherever it will happen in Europe.  This short introduction, please excuse me for being probably too long from my side and I would like to ask you for any further questions, comments or remarks.  Please you have the floor now.  I hope I haven’t killed you with my long introduction.  It's just a new situation compared with our first ideas from the last December call and we needed to modify our planning slightly due to the unavoidable circumstances which is always connected to support and funding. 

And we simply tried to be pragmatic and to make the best out of the given circumstances and situation.   But we can continue this discussion at the next opportunity, those who will be in Stockholm tomorrow and the day after tomorrow -- those who will come to the IGF consultation in February in Geneva and those who will be at the next ICANN meeting in Costa Rica.  I see Yrjo’s hand raised and you have the floor please.

Yrjo Lansipuro:                       Yes thank you Wolf.  I understand that there are basically two possibilities for a general assembly.  One is Prague.  And one is at the EuroDIG in Stockholm.  I personally would be in favor of Stockholm but my - what I came to think is perhaps it could be possible to have some sort of survey of which of these places the member would prefer.  There is still time to find out, thank you.

Wolf Ludwig:                          Thank you for this comment Yrjo I think basically this is a good idea if we can manage to prepare and to conduct such a survey as soon as possible.  But let me be frank at this point, I'm not, according to my person experience so far, I'm not really sure there will be a lot of official participation because according to my experience as many people respond informally to me and tell me their frustrations and tell me other things but it would be worth a trial to try it again and at least to make an effort to ask the opinion of our member organizations. 

And after we've got such besides from a survey, to then finally decide whether we will prepare our next general assembly in line with the Stockholm EuroDIG in the middle of June or we will do it two weeks later in line with the ICANN Prague meeting.  It’s a good idea and I think we should follow-up on this with Heidi who just told us - but maybe I am mixed up in the chat room but I will sort this out.   Not to make it too complicated but to keep this into further consideration. 

Are there any further questions or remarks regarding this new update on EURALO planning for 2012 continued discussion and what I said before regarding other agenda items?  We will have this on our next call agenda in February and March for sure.  I see a hand raised from Olivier, Olivier you have the floor.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Thank you very much Wolf.  I was just going to explain one small thing why is there no face to face funding of a general assembly at EuroDIG 2012?  And why there is no possibility of face to face general assembly at the Prague meeting?  it's because both of these are not in Fiscal Year 2013, both of these are in the previous Fiscal Year and unfortunately we can only bid for Fiscal Year 2013 which starts in July.  At the moment we are in Fiscal Year ’12 and in July we will turn to Fiscal Year ’13. 

And so because the Studienkreis is in August and possibly other things are in August - well EuroDIG 2012 obviously will be next year.  That will fit within Fiscal Year 2013.  I just wanted to mention that so that it was pretty clear because it's sometimes is confusing.  I see that Heidi has put the actual dates on the chat, thank you.

Wolf Ludwig:                          Thanks a lot Olivier for this additional information and contextualization of the circumstances and the regular planning procedures of ICANN what are essential and always have consequences for our planning.  The next one who raised their hand is [Siranush], you have the floor. 

Siranush Vardanyan:               Can you hear me now?

Wolf Ludwig:                          Yes go ahead.        

Siranush Vardanyan:               Yes I would like to remind you that there is space for a member from EURALO to apply for one of the positions within NomCom and the ones would be from the European part.  I would like to remind you to promote this and to find appropriate candidates to apply for the positions, for the leadership positions within ICANN. 

Wolf Ludwig:                          Okay thanks a lot for this hint Siranush.  I had a short Skype chat with Vanda, the current NomCom chair over the seasonal break and she indicated already something similar that there will be open positions, vacancies in the near future regarding our region.  And I check out on the NomCom page but there were no updates so far.  As soon as you have any further details, what kind of positions would be open et cetera please -

Siranush Vardanyan:               The positions are already announced and the statement of interest are posted online.  If you go to NomCom page in ICANN website you will find the information it's already online.

Wolf Ludwig:                          Okay so I have the [inaudible 01:00:57] NomCom page again after the call, not tonight anymore and then of course we have to forward this via the EURALO list.  Thanks a lot for this additional information.  Are there any further questions or comments regarding our agenda Item 8?  If this is not the case I would like to continue with Item 9, Any Other Business and Information.  Actually Siranush’s information was more directed to any other business.  Are there any further information and Heidi posted the link to the NomCom page. 

Heidi Ullrich:                          Just quickly I also posted the fellowship program for Prague meeting is now open through 20 February.  If any of you would like to apply for that, it's still a possibility.

Wolf Ludwig:                          Okay thanks a lot for this additional hint Heidi.  As you may have seen on the EURALO list there was an announcement from staff in between that there are three candidates from our region who were selected for participation in the ICANN Fellowship Program for Costa Rica.  One of is Dela, congratulation.  Another candidate selected person is chair of ISOC Chapter of Romania and I forgot the name at the moment and I also forgot the third candidate but there will be three representatives from our region who will attend the next ICANN Costa Rica meeting in March. 

Heidi your hand is still raised you have still some other questions or comments?  No, it's lowered now.  I see no hands raised anymore and we are nine minutes behind our call schedule and time.  And if there is nothing urgent at the moment I would like to thank all of you for your active participation at this call and am pleased to meet some of you tomorrow and Thursday in Stockholm or have some remote participants or I will meet some others of you at the next IGF open consultations what is middle of February in Geneva or even Costa Rica is not too far anymore and I hope to have all of you at our next monthly call in February.  Thanks everybody and good night.